1、you seem totally ticked off. =Angry or pissed off
2、get out of my face =leave me alone
3、what's up 可以回答: nothing
4、Chill out! =Calm down
5、what's eating you? =what's troubling you
6、blew the final = make a big mistake
7、I totally drew a blank on everything = can not remember
8、you're really going to freak out = upset, crazy
9、what' her face = let me think it while
10、who is always kissing up to the teacher = flatter sb.
11、Give me a break = 饶了我吧
12、nerb = loser、 jerk、 idiot、 moron、 asshole、 geek
13、How in the world could she possilbly ace it when she keeps cutting class all the time? = missed class
14、be laid back = 懒洋洋的sit back and relax
15、rub sb the wrong way = 让某人总是出错
16、she's got the hots for sb = 很热门、受欢迎
17、Sick! She's totally gross =恶心
18、Get out of here = leave & stop palling leg, you are gonna to be kitting