
C++ young 程序库——y_hash_set.hpp 和 y_hash_map.hpp

王朝c/c++·作者佚名  2006-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  



The young Library

Copyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any

purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright

notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this

permission notice appear in supporting documentation.

The author make no representations about the suitability of this software

for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.







#include "y_pair.hpp"

#include "y_functional.hpp"

#include "hash/y_hash_function.hpp"

#include "hash/y_hash_table.hpp"





template< typename Key, typename HashFun = hash<Key>,

typename EqualKey = equal_to<Key>,

typename Allocator = allocator<Key> >

class hash_set



typedef hash_table_node<Key> node;

typedef typename Allocator::rebind<node>::other node_alloc;

typedef hash_table<Key, Key, HashFun, identity<Key>, EqualKey,

node_alloc> hash_table;

// typedef hash_table<Key, Key, HashFun, identity<Key>, EqualKey>

// hash_table;

typedef typename hash_table::iterator ht_iterator;

hash_table ht;


typedef hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator> self;

typedef typename hash_table::key_type key_type;

typedef typename hash_table::value_type value_type;

typedef typename hash_table::hasher hasher;

typedef typename hash_table::key_equal key_equal;

typedef typename hash_table::size_type size_type;

typedef typename hash_table::difference_type difference_type;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference const_reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer const_pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator iterator;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator const_iterator;

hash_set() : ht(0) {}

explicit hash_set( size_type n, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq) {}

template< typename InputIterator >

hash_set( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,

size_type n = 0, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq)


ht.insert_unique( first, last );


hasher hash_fun() const { return ht.hash_fun(); }

key_equal key_eq() const { return ht.key_eq(); }

double get_hash_factor() const { return ht.get_hash_factor(); }

void set_hash_factor( double factor ) { ht.set_hash_factor(factor); }

size_type size() const { return ht.size(); }

size_type max_size() const { return ht.max_size(); }

bool empty() const { return ht.empty(); }

void swap( self& rhs ) { ht.swap( rhs.ht ); }

void clear() { ht.clear(); }

void resize( size_type n ) { ht.resize( n ); }

size_type bucket_count() const { return ht.bucket_count(); }

size_type max_bucket_count() const { return ht.max_bucket_count(); }

size_type elems_in_bucket( size_type n ) const

{ return ht.elements_in_bucket( n ); }

size_type count( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.count( k ); }

iterator begin() const { return ht.begin(); }

iterator end() const { return ht.end(); }

iterator find( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.find( k ); }

pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

size_type erase( const key_type& k ) { return ht.erase( k ); }

void erase( iterator pos ) { ht.erase( pos ); }

void erase( iterator first, iterator last ) { ht.erase( first, last ); }

iterator modify_key( const key_type& k, const key_type& new_key )

{ return ht.modify_key_unique( k, new_key ); }

bool modify_key( iterator position, const key_type& new_key )

{ return ht.modify_key_unique( position, new_key ); }

pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& v )


pair<ht_iterator, bool> pItr = ht.insert_unique( v );

return pair<iterator, bool>( pItr.first, pItr.second );


template< typename InputIterator >

void insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )


ht.insert_unique( first, last );



template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >

inline void swap( hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


lhs.swap( rhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator==( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() != rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() != rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator!=( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs == rhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() > rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() > rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return lexicographical_compare( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),

rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return ( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<=( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>=( const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_set<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs < rhs );




template< typename Key, typename HashFun = hash<Key>,

typename EqualKey = equal_to<Key>,

typename Allocator = allocator<Key> >

class hash_multiset



typedef hash_table_node<Key> node;

typedef typename Allocator::rebind<node>::other node_alloc;

typedef hash_table<Key, Key, HashFun, identity<Key>, EqualKey,

node_alloc> hash_table;

// typedef hash_table<Key, Key, HashFun, identity<Key>, EqualKey>

// hash_table;

typedef typename hash_table::iterator ht_iterator;

hash_table ht;


typedef hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator> self;

typedef typename hash_table::key_type key_type;

typedef typename hash_table::value_type value_type;

typedef typename hash_table::hasher hasher;

typedef typename hash_table::key_equal key_equal;

typedef typename hash_table::size_type size_type;

typedef typename hash_table::difference_type difference_type;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference const_reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer const_pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator iterator;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator const_iterator;

hash_multiset() : ht(0) {}

explicit hash_multiset( size_type n, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq) {}

template< typename InputIterator >

hash_multiset( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,

size_type n = 0, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq)


ht.insert_equal( first, last );


hasher hash_fun() const { return ht.hash_fun(); }

key_equal key_eq() const { return ht.key_eq(); }

double get_hash_factor() const { return ht.get_hash_factor(); }

void set_hash_factor( double factor ) { ht.set_hash_factor(factor); }

size_type size() const { return ht.size(); }

size_type max_size() const { return ht.max_size(); }

bool empty() const { return ht.empty(); }

void swap( self& rhs ) { ht.swap( rhs.ht ); }

void clear() { ht.clear(); }

void resize( size_type n ) { ht.resize( n ); }

size_type bucket_count() const { return ht.bucket_count(); }

size_type max_bucket_count() const { return ht.max_bucket_count(); }

size_type elems_in_bucket( size_type n ) const

{ return ht.elements_in_bucket( n ); }

size_type count( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.count( k ); }

iterator begin() const { return ht.begin(); }

iterator end() const { return ht.end(); }

iterator find( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.find( k ); }

pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

size_type erase( const key_type& k ) { return ht.erase( k ); }

void erase( iterator pos ) { ht.erase( pos ); }

void erase( iterator first, iterator last ) { ht.erase( first, last ); }

void modify_key( const key_type& k, const key_type& new_key )

{ ht.modify_key_equal( k, new_key ); }

void modify_key( iterator position, const key_type& new_key )

{ ht.modify_key_equal( position, new_key ); }

pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& v )


pair<ht_iterator, bool> pItr = ht.insert_equal( v );

return pair<iterator, bool>( pItr.first, pItr.second );


template< typename InputIterator >

void insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )


ht.insert_equal( first, last );



template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >

inline void swap( hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


lhs.swap( rhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator==( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() != rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() != rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator!=( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs == rhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() > rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() > rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return lexicographical_compare( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),

rhs.begin(), rhs.end() );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return ( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<=( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>=( const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multiset<Key, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs < rhs );










The young Library

Copyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any

purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright

notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this

permission notice appear in supporting documentation.

The author make no representations about the suitability of this software

for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.







#include "y_pair.hpp"

#include "y_functional.hpp"

#include "hash/y_hash_function.hpp"

#include "hash/y_hash_table.hpp"





template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun = hash<Key>,

typename EqualKey = equal_to<Key>,

typename Allocator = allocator<Value> >

class hash_map



typedef pair<const Key, Value> value_t;

typedef hash_table_node<value_t> node;

typedef typename Allocator::rebind<node>::other node_alloc;

typedef hash_table<Key, value_t, HashFun, select1st<value_t>,

EqualKey, node_alloc> hash_table;

// typedef hash_table<Key, value_t, HashFun, select1st<value_t>,

// EqualKey> hash_table;

hash_table ht;


typedef hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator> self;

typedef Value mapped_type;

typedef typename hash_table::key_type key_type;

typedef typename hash_table::value_type value_type;

typedef typename hash_table::hasher hasher;

typedef typename hash_table::key_equal key_equal;

typedef typename hash_table::size_type size_type;

typedef typename hash_table::difference_type difference_type;

typedef typename hash_table::reference reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference const_reference;

typedef typename hash_table::pointer pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer const_pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::iterator iterator;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator const_iterator;

struct value_compare : public binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool>


bool operator()( const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs ) const


return ( lhs.first < rhs.first );



hash_map() : ht(0) {}

explicit hash_map( size_type n, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq) {}

template< typename InputIterator >

hash_map( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,

size_type n = 0, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq)


ht.insert_unique( first, last );


hasher hash_fun() const { return ht.hash_fun(); }

key_equal key_eq() const { return ht.key_eq(); }

double get_hash_factor() const { return ht.get_hash_factor(); }

void set_hash_factor( double factor ) { ht.set_hash_factor(factor); }

size_type size() const { return ht.size(); }

size_type max_size() const { return ht.max_size(); }

bool empty() const { return ht.empty(); }

void swap( self& rhs ) { ht.swap( rhs.ht ); }

void clear() { ht.clear(); }

void resize( size_type n ) { ht.resize( n ); }

size_type bucket_count() const { return ht.bucket_count(); }

size_type max_bucket_count() const { return ht.max_bucket_count(); }

size_type elems_in_bucket( size_type n ) const

{ return ht.elements_in_bucket( n ); }

size_type count( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.count( k ); }

iterator begin() { return ht.begin(); }

iterator end() { return ht.end(); }

const_iterator begin() const { return ht.begin(); }

const_iterator end() const { return ht.end(); }

iterator find( const key_type& k )

{ return ht.find( k ); }

const_iterator find( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.find( k ); }

pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k )

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

size_type erase( const key_type& k ) { return ht.erase( k ); }

void erase( iterator pos ) { ht.erase( pos ); }

void erase( iterator first, iterator last ) { ht.erase( first, last ); }

iterator modify_key( const key_type& k, const key_type& new_key )

{ return ht.modify_key_unique( k, new_key ); }

bool modify_key( iterator position, const key_type& new_key )

{ return ht.modify_key_unique( position, new_key ); }

mapped_type& operator[]( const key_type& k )


value_type v( k, mapped_type() );

iterator itr = insert( v ).first;

return itr->second;


pair<iterator, bool> insert( const key_type& k, const mapped_type& d )

{ return ht.insert_unique( value_type(k, d) ); }

pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& v )

{ return ht.insert_unique( v ); }

template< typename InputIterator >

void insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )

{ ht.insert_unique( first, last ); }


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >

inline void swap( hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


lhs.swap( rhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator==( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() != rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() != rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator!=( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs == rhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


typedef typename hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>::

value_compare v_comp;

if( lhs.size() > rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() > rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return lexicographical_compare( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),

rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), v_comp() );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return ( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<=( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>=( const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_map<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs < rhs );




template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun = hash<Key>,

typename EqualKey = equal_to<Key>,

typename Allocator = allocator<Value> >

class hash_multimap



typedef pair<const Key, Value> value_t;

typedef hash_table_node<value_t> node;

typedef typename Allocator::rebind<node>::other node_alloc;

typedef hash_table<Key, value_t, HashFun, select1st<value_t>,

EqualKey, node_alloc> hash_table;

// typedef hash_table<Key, value_t, HashFun, select1st<value_t>,

// EqualKey> hash_table;

hash_table ht;


typedef hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator> self;

typedef Value mapped_type;

typedef typename hash_table::key_type key_type;

typedef typename hash_table::value_type value_type;

typedef typename hash_table::hasher hasher;

typedef typename hash_table::key_equal key_equal;

typedef typename hash_table::size_type size_type;

typedef typename hash_table::difference_type difference_type;

typedef typename hash_table::reference reference;

typedef typename hash_table::const_reference const_reference;

typedef typename hash_table::pointer pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::const_pointer const_pointer;

typedef typename hash_table::iterator iterator;

typedef typename hash_table::const_iterator const_iterator;

struct value_compare : public binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool>


bool operator()( const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs ) const


return ( lhs.first < rhs.first );



hash_multimap() : ht(0) {}

explicit hash_multimap( size_type n, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() )

: ht(n, hf, eq) {}

template< typename InputIterator >

hash_multimap( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,

size_type n = 0, const hasher& hf = hasher(),

const key_equal& eq = key_equal() ) : ht(n, hf, eq)


ht.insert_equal( first, last );


hasher hash_fun() const { return ht.hash_fun(); }

key_equal key_eq() const { return ht.key_eq(); }

double get_hash_factor() const { return ht.get_hash_factor(); }

void set_hash_factor( double factor ) { ht.set_hash_factor(factor); }

size_type size() const { return ht.size(); }

size_type max_size() const { return ht.max_size(); }

bool empty() const { return ht.empty(); }

void swap( self& rhs ) { ht.swap( rhs.ht ); }

void clear() { ht.clear(); }

void resize( size_type n ) { ht.resize( n ); }

size_type bucket_count() const { return ht.bucket_count(); }

size_type max_bucket_count() const { return ht.max_bucket_count(); }

size_type elems_in_bucket( size_type n ) const

{ return ht.elements_in_bucket( n ); }

size_type count( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.count( k ); }

iterator begin() { return ht.begin(); }

iterator end() { return ht.end(); }

const_iterator begin() const { return ht.begin(); }

const_iterator end() const { return ht.end(); }

iterator find( const key_type& k )

{ return ht.find( k ); }

const_iterator find( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.find( k ); }

pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k )

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k ) const

{ return ht.equal_range( k ); }

size_type erase( const key_type& k ) { return ht.erase( k ); }

void erase( iterator pos ) { ht.erase( pos ); }

void erase( iterator first, iterator last ) { ht.erase( first, last ); }

void modify_key( const key_type& k, const key_type& new_key )

{ ht.modify_key_equal( k, new_key ); }

void modify_key( iterator position, const key_type& new_key )

{ ht.modify_key_equal( position, new_key ); }

pair<iterator, bool> insert( const key_type& k, const mapped_type& d )

{ return ht.insert_equal( value_type(k, d) ); }

pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& v )

{ return ht.insert_equal( v ); }

template< typename InputIterator >

void insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )

{ ht.insert_equal( first, last ); }


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >

inline void swap( hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


lhs.swap( rhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator==( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


if( lhs.size() != rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() != rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin() );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator!=( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs == rhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


typedef typename hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>::

value_compare v_comp;

if( lhs.size() > rhs.size() || lhs.bucket_count() > rhs.bucket_count() )

return false;

return lexicographical_compare( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(),

rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), v_comp() );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return ( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator<=( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( rhs < lhs );


template< typename Key, typename Value, typename HashFun, typename EqualKey,

typename Allocator >


bool operator>=( const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& lhs,

const hash_multimap<Key, Value, HashFun, EqualKey, Allocator>& rhs )


return !( lhs < rhs );








 百态   2023-10-24
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住户一楼被水淹 还冲来8头猪
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