
Creating Your Own Validation

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
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Creating Your Own Validation

There may be times when you can't find one of the built-in validation

controls that handles your specific data. For example, which control could

verify that a number the user has entered is an even number (if that was a

requirement of your page)? There isn't such a control, but ASP.NET provides

the CustomValidator control, which allows you to specify procedures to be

run in order to validate the data in the associated input control.

For this example, your goal is to ensure that users enter either CA, NV, or

AZ into the State text box on the page. You could use a DropDownList

control for this, or you could use a RegularExpressionValidator control

(setting the expression to be CA|NV|AZ). However, for the sake of this

example, suppose you want to take advantage of the CustomValidator control.

The CustomValidator control requires you to supply code for the control's

ServerValidate event梚t calls this code as it attempts to validate the data

on the server. No matter what browser has loaded the page, this code will

run before the entire page can be validated. If the browser supports

client-side script, it is nice to provide the script to run from within the

browser, on the client side, to provide the same sort of experience you get

when working with the other validation controls.

Therefore, you'll need to write the event procedure, in the page's

code-behind file, to provide server-side validation. In addition, in the

page itself, you'll need to insert the client-side script that will be sent

down to the browser. (In addition, you'll need to set the control's

ClientValidationFunction property to indicate the name of the client-side

function.) Both procedures receive two parameters: The first parameter

contains the object that raised the event (the CustomValidator control

itself), and the second parameter is a ServerValidateEventArgs object

containing information about the event. You can use the Value property of

the second parameter to retrieve the value the user entered, and you'll set

the IsValid property of the argument to indicate whether the value is valid.

To add validation for the State text box, follow these steps:

Add a CustomValidator control adjacent to the State text box.

Set the properties for the control as shown in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6. Set the CustomValidator Control's Properties to Match These

Items Property Value

ID cvalState

ClientValidationFunction ValidState

ControlToValidate txtState

Display Dynamic

ErrorMessage Enter CA, NV or AZ

Double-click the CustomValidator control and modify the ServerValidate

procedure so that it looks like this:

Private Sub cvalState_ServerValidate( _

ByVal source As System.Object, _

ByVal args As _

System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) _

Handles cvalState.ServerValidate

Select Case args.Value

Case "CA", "NV", "AZ"

args.IsValid = True

Case Else

args.IsValid = False

End Select

End Sub


The ServerValidate event handler uses the Value property of its second

parameter to determine the value the user has entered and the IsValid

property to indicate whether the value is valid.

Close the code-behind file and then press Ctrl+PgDn (or use the View, HTML

Source menu item) to view the HTML source for the page.

Immediately below the <BODY> element, near the top of the page, add the

following script code, which provides the client-side validation:

<SCRIPT language="VBScript">

Sub ValidState(source, arguments)

Select Case arguments.value

Case "CA", "NV", "AZ"

arguments.IsValid = True

Case Else

arguments.IsValid = False

End Select

End Sub


Now that you've added both the server-side and the client-side validation

procedures, browse to the page and verify that entering an invalid state

does trigger the validation code.

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