中文名: 图片装饰处理软件
英文名: AMS Photo Art Studio
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v2.71/含破解文件
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: AMS Software
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
应用平台:Windows 9x, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.
问题反馈: support@ams-soft.com
网站链接: http://photo-framing-software.com/
i N S T A L L . N O T E S
Replace "Cards.lst" by the included one.
AMS Soft Photo Art Studio是一款全新的图片装饰处理软件,您仅仅需要花费几分钟的时间即可以制作出非常精美的相框,或者由剪切画组成的明信片。软件包括了各种数码图片处理和增益工具,包括装饰和加标签等。
Photo Art Studio is a brand-new application for decorating photos and applying effects. Within literally a couple of seconds, you will be able to build up a stylish frame, create a postcard or a collage. The program includes a handful of functions necessary for processing digital photographs: automatic enhancement and editing, creating special effects, framing, adding decorations and labels. The distribution kit includes somewhat about three hundreds of decoration options, and this number increases in the full version!
Photo Framing and Photo Effects Software
Photo Art Studio features a pretty, customizable user interface, easy to get along with. The program is easy and comfortable to operate, and its capabilities exceed your expectations! After just a few minutes, you will master the art of professional decoration of photos of any kind. The built-in help system and the online tutorial will help you turn your pictures into true masterpieces!
So, go ahead and launch Photo Art Studio and then open the first photo in it. The editor pane will come up right next; there you can adjust the primary properties of the image and crop your image. Next, by choosing the operating mode, you can shape up the photograph with special filters, apply classical and modern frames, and create postcards and original collages.
Major Advantages of Photo Art Studio:
1. Convenient user interface and ease of operation.
2. Five automatic photo enhancement algorithms.
3. Over three hundreds of decoration schemes: frames, masks, postcards, collages...
4. Huge set of new templates in the full version, expandable template base.
5. Wide choise of payment methods. Completely secure ordering.
tEAM LAXiTY ²² ²
²² ² ²² pROUDLY pRESENTS: ²² ² ²²
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² ± AMS Photo Art Studio v2.71 ± ²
° (c) AMS-Soft °
°° °°
°° URL ........: http://photo-framing-software.com °°
°° °°
°° Supplier ...: TEAM LAXiTY Soft Type ...: APP [X] °°
°° Packager ...: TEAM LAXiTY GAME [ ] °°
°° Cracker ....: TEAM LAXiTY OTHER [ ] °°
°° Rel. date ..: 07.05.10 °°
°° °°
±± ° Rape Solution: Keygen [ ] Serial [ ] RegKey [X] ° ±±
²² Crack [ ] Other [ ] ²²
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²² ² ²² R E L E A S E . N O T E S ²² ² ²²
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° °
°° Photo Art Studio is a brand-new application for decorating °°
°° photos and applying effects. Within literally a couple of °°
°° seconds, you will be able to build up a stylish frame, °°
°° create a postcard or a collage. The program includes a °°
°° handful of functions necessary for processing digital °°
°° photographs: automatic enhancement and editing, creating °°
°° special effects, framing, adding decorations and labels. °°
°° The distribution kit includes somewhat about three hundreds °°
°° of decoration options, and this number increases in the °°
°° full version! Photo Art Studio features a pretty, °°
°° customizable user interface, easy to get along with. The °°
°° program is easy and comfortable to operate, and its °°
°° capabilities exceed your expectations! After just a few °°
°° minutes, you will master the art of professional decoration °°
°° of photos of any kind. The built-in help system and the °°
°° online tutorial will help you turn your pictures into true °°
°° masterpieces! °°
°° °°
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²² ² ²² i N S T A L L . N O T E S ²² ² ²²
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°° Replace "Cards.lst" by the included one. °°
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²² ² ²² A P P L Y . i N F O ²² ² ²²
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±± ° *** CLOSED *** ° ±±
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°° ravishing since 1998 °°
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