中文名: 面向大众的粒子物理学:遨游微观世界
英文名: Particle Physics for Non-Physicists: A Tour of the Microcosmos
资源格式: RMVB
版本: 更新第一讲 SGT字幕组出品
发行时间: 2003年
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
【原 片 名】:Particle Physics for Non-Physicists: A Tour of the Microcosmos
【中 文 名】:面向大众的粒子物理学:遨游微观世界
【字幕】:中文(by SGT字幕组)
【供源状况】:ADSL 7x24小时
在《面向大众的粒子物理学:遨游微观世界》中,史蒂文・波洛克教授使用通俗易懂的语言,将这门非凡学科的专业术语介绍给大众。粒子物理学诞生至今不过百余年,已经解开了自然界基本力系的秘密。通过本节目,您将了解这些基本粒子,它们组成世间万物,从最微小的微生物到太阳和星球。您也将学到微粒世界的“游戏规则”——微粒之间的互相作用力,还有它们互相作用的方式——这就是宇宙运行的基础。(by 喵喵驴驴)
Would you like to know how the universe works?
The science that has found many of the answers to that profound and age-old question is particle physics: the study of those impossibly tiny particles with unbelievably strange names: bosons and leptons, quarks and neutrinos.
In Particle Physics for Non-Physicists: A Tour of the Microcosmos, Professor Steven Pollock translates the language of the remarkable science that, in only 100 years, has unlocked the secrets of the basic forces of nature. You will become familiar with the fundamental particles that make up all matter, from the tiniest microbe to the sun and stars. You will also learn the "rules of the game"—the forces the particles feel and the ways they interact—that underlie the workings of the universe.