专辑英文名: Cello Sonatas
专辑中文名: 大提琴奏鸣曲
艺术家: Prokofiev,Rachmaninov
古典类型: 奏鸣曲
资源格式: APE
版本: Yo-Yo Ma,Emanuel Ax
发行时间: 2003年
地区: 美国
演奏:Yo-Yo Ma,Emanuel Ax
拉赫玛尼诺夫大提琴奏鸣曲 Op.19
作品一开头就充斥着淡淡的凄凉与忧伤。经过序奏,缠绵的主旋律被大提琴低沉而悠扬的拉出,随后钢琴弹奏的那段旋律是典型的拉式风格,让我想到了拉二。接着是一段高声部的明朗的旋律给人光明的感觉。随即回到最初的主题并将前段重复,并进入一段苦苦挣扎的过程,内心情绪极不稳定,拉式旋律再次浮现,优美至极!第二乐章在紧促的提琴伴奏中(好象是带付点的4 3 2 1 7 6)呈现,随后有一段大提琴拉出的极其深远的主题,也是具有拉式风格的。乐曲在反复交替中进行……第三乐章是最抒情的一个乐章,有甜美的回忆,也有痛苦的挣扎,开头的大调主题略带拉式的感伤,和弦的转换非常漂亮,接着转入小调的主题好象在沉思,回忆……第四乐章是整个奏鸣曲中一个明朗的尾声,在大约一分钟的酝酿之后一个带有升音阶性质的主题呈现出来(好象是1 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 1 5,后面重复时好象变成1 2 3 4 3 4 3 2 1 5)……
感觉与很多地方西的是非常具体的东西。比如第二乐章有个旋律(3 2 3 454213……)由大提琴演奏出来,好象作曲家心中最美好东西的描摹。接着由这个旋律发展而来的一连串乐句变得凄凉起来,这使我突然感觉到,对于拉赫来说,前面的美好那是遥不可及的,是别人的,而自己只能希冀与梦想,所以发展迩来的凄美乐句才是拉赫自己的……
Ok, I don't usually write reviews, since of course, I see so many people spouting off at the mouth about things that they either don't understand or those that just want to complain or self-gratify.
That being said though, I had to write a little something about this cd. I'll admit a prejudice for those Ma-Ax recordings, so bear with me. I think they are one of the strongest ensemble musicians I've encountered. Not only in their duo recordings are they always musicians first and foremost and not merely soloists recording together but also in those venues which include other greats, like Isaac Stern or Richard Stoltzman.
The main pieces on this recording are nearly awe-inspiring. While Ax describes in the liner notes the Profiev as having some 'crude and ackward' treatment of the melodies, I found it to be very intense and dark. Loving every bit of the piece. I don't think its as intense as the Shostakovich, but there are some similarities.
The real gem on this cd though has to be the Rachmaninoff. There's a place towards the very beginning of the first movement that will make you tingle in a spot, that dare not speak its name, or my name isn't Artemis Jack, which it isn't, but I'm sure you'll still enjoy it anyway.
To be honest with you, there's not a moment in the Rachmaninoff that isn't filled with unbelievable lushness and magic, every moment in the sonata is amazing. You'd think that with a piece so heavily dominated by the piano that the cellist would get lost or pushed into a corner someplace. Not only does the cellist play a very important role, but in ways has the choicest melodies. I wouldn't guess that many cellists would find this piece terribly challenging, but I would hope they'd revell in the experience.
I should commend Emanuel Ax and Yo-Yo Ma for being the wonderful chamber musicians they are. One of the things that people don't always understand, musicians and audiences alike, is that chamber music is very 'conversational'. My own experience as a professional pianist has at times led me to despise working with others because they simply refuse to acknowledge or share with another musician. Lets face it, the score may list this instrument or that one first, but without the piano where in the world would you be??? The main thing in all of the chamber music environments is to converse, exchange, and relish in the experience thats available in playing such great music.
If there's anything to squak about it, its the following snippets from other works. I'm not sure who's brilliant idea it was to include them, but it really is annoying and almost taints the whole experience of the first two works. That isn't to say that the music isn't beautiful and wonderfully played, but for me, there was just nothing else that needed to be said after the Rachmaninoff. Besides, if you're able to hear the Shostakovich, played by Ma/Ax, you'll agree that having just the second movement is a letdown.
No matter, I hope you'll be able to experience this cd and all the lush wonderfulness it has to offer. I finally also apologize for succumbing to the very thing that I said I detested...verbose self-gratification! Oh well, whats a guy to do? (from Amazon)