分類: 电视音响,配件,线缆,HDMI线,
品牌: AmazonBasics 亚马逊倍思
基本信息商品尺寸:7.5 x 1.4 x 2.5 cm商品重量:14 g发货重量:68 gASIN:B003ES5ZPK商品描述亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics)HDMI公头对母头旋转适配器非常适合于在狭窄或难够到的区域连接 HDMI 端口,它可以绕轴转动,便于您更好地控制电缆。 沉重的 HDMI 电缆和经常性的插入拔出操作会给您的设备带来不必要的压力。 这款旋转适配器不但能为您提供与普通 HDMI 公头对母头适配器同样优质的连接质量,还具有更大的灵活性,可以减少磨损。
HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器
AmazonBasics HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器
这款适配器便于在靠近墙壁或角落的狭小空间内使用。查看大图。可围绕中心转动,避免给端口和设备施压。查看大图。HDMI 适配器非常适合在狭小空间内使用AmazonBasics HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器是狭小空间的可靠选择,比如它可用于靠近墙壁或角落的影音设备摆放区。 传统的 HDMI 适配器往往缺乏灵活性,并会给 HDMI 端口施加额外的压力。 旋转适配器的连接方式与普通适配器类似,但它可以围绕中心旋转,从而方便您调整电缆的位置以适应空间要求,也可减轻端口上的压力。
最大限度地减少磨损如果使用不易弯曲或不够灵活的电缆,一段时间后,其重量会使高清电视或其他设备的 HDMI 端口受压,甚至受损。 使用 AmazonBasics HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器,可以灵活调整电缆的位置,从而避免让您的设备承载额外的重量。 如果您经常使用 HDMI 连接,则在不使用 HDMI 连接时也可以插入旋转适配器并保持其开启状态。
亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics) 是亚马逊公司基于消费电子类“基本产品”的自有品牌,它专注于价值体现,强调优良的品质和有竞争力的价格,是卓越品质和 实惠价格完美结合的消费电子典范。
亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics) 不仅秉承了亚马逊公司客户至上的原则,其所有选品都经过了严格的测试,以保证产品质量在市场同类产品中具备高标准,同时 坚持了亚马逊“天天低价”的原则, 为用户提供了更多高性价比的选择。
AmazonBasics: 质优而价廉AmazonBasics 是一种消费电子类“基本产品”的品牌,它专注于价值体现,不但可保证质量,价格更是低廉。
亚马逊的 Frustration-Free(简约)包装这款 AmazonBasics 产品提供可回收的亚马逊 Frustration-Free 包装。 此类包装不含过量的包装材料,比如硬塑料翻盖外壳、塑料圈装订或铁丝系材。 您无需使用刀子即可打开包装,与传统包装一样,它亦可为您的产品提供同等水平的保护。 采用亚马逊 Frustration-Free 包装的产品通常可用本身的盒子运输,无需另外使用运输箱,从而可节约资源、减少浪费。 此外,我们使用的包装材料均易于回收或转化为肥料,且可回收多次,亦方便消费者重复利用,包装上的所有墨水和染料均可生物降解。
AmazonBasics HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器和保修手册。
AmazonBasics HDMI 公头对母头旋转适配器可享受 AmazonBasics 的 1 年有限保修。 要查看完整的 AmazonBasics 保修条款,请单击此处。
If you're looking at this adapter, it's probably because of two reasons: You need to make a connection in a tight space, possibly a 90 degree angle. Or, you have an HDMI port that is constantly having HDMI cables connected to and disconnected from it. This is a well-built adapter with excellent video and audio pass-through. It makes connections more convenient since it swivels and can allow you to connect cables at a 90-degree angle. Perfect for those tight spots. Recommended.
Due to the adapter's design which allows swivelling, the wiring inside has to curve and then straighten out again in the casing. Despite the curve, the audio and video signals were not affected in my tests. However, I don't recommend it for blu-ray connections since it is best to have a direct connection between blu-ray devices to get the best clarity from your signals.
CONNECTORS: The connectors on both ends are gold plated, as are the pins inside the connectors.
Both HDMI cables I tested slid in easily and held tightly. The connection is strong, and the video and audio pass-through is also excellent. The first HDMI cable I used was an Amazon Basics HDMI cable which is a thinner cable. The other HDMI cable was a thicker Belkin cable.
SWIVEL: When laying the adapter flat, the head of the adapter can swivel/move almost 90 degrees to the left or right. The middle of the adapter is on a hinge that allows the adapter to swivel up or down vertically in a 90 degree position.
QUALITY: High quality hard plastic with gold connectors.
This is a useful adapter for either making connections in tight spaces and limited areas. It also serves the purpose of providing an endpoint where HDMI cables can be connected/disconnected multiple times without causing damage to the main connector on your equipment. Most people probably won't remove HDMI connections once they are connected, but if necessary, this is a great adapter. If I have any issues with the pass-through signal, I will update this review.
By Leebo (USA)
I just installed a new LED LCD HDTV on the wall with a slim mount. After installing the TV I realized that the HDMI cable would not fit between the back of the TV and the wall. I am so glad to have this adapter as it allowed for the cable to be installed easily. It also prevents the normal bending of the cable that normally occurs in tight spaces. Works perfectly. I will be getting more of these to have on hand!