亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics)专用皮套(适用于苹果 iPad,棕色)
分類: 数码影音,数码配件,MP3、MP4配件,保护壳、保护套,
品牌: AmazonBasics 亚马逊倍思
商品描述亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics)苹果 iPad 全粒面皮套质优价廉,可为您的苹果 iPad 提供坚固保护。 此款皮套采用精巧的袖型设计,由结实的靴皮制作而成,可为您的投资提供时尚可靠的保护。 此款皮套不但外观精美,而且持久耐用,是用来放置 iPad 的最佳选择。
iPad 真皮皮套简介
专为苹果 iPad 而设计
重量:0.07 磅
尺寸:9.76" x 7.87"
保修:AmazonBasics 一年有限保修[PDF]
此款 AmazonBasics iPad 袖型皮套由真牛皮制作而成,不但可提供坚固的保护,而且外观精美大方。 其设计精美可靠, 非常适合从学生到商务旅行者的各种人群用来存放其苹果 iPad。
此款 AmazonBasics 产品采用可回收的亚马逊无障碍包装。 此类包装不含过量的包装材料,如硬塑料吸塑外壳、塑料 系材或铁丝系材等。 您无需使用刀子即可打开包装,与传统包装一样,它亦可为您的产品提供同等水平的保护。 配置了卓越亚 马逊环保包装的产品可以轻易的使用自身配置的包装盒进行运送,不再需要定制运送专用盒。如此可以节省资源,不制造废料。
此外,我们使用的包装材料均易于回收或转化为肥料,并可回收多次,而且方便消费者重复利用,包装上的所有油墨和染 料均可生物降解。
适用于 iPad 的 AmazonBasics 袖型真皮皮套(棕色),以及 AmazonBasics 英语/法语/德语/日语/中文保修手册。
亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics) 是亚马逊公司基于消费电子类“基本产品”的自有品牌,它专注于价值体现,强调优良的品质和有竞争力的价格,是卓越品质和实惠价格完美结合的消费电子典范。
亚马逊倍思(AmazonBasics) 不仅秉承了亚马逊公司客户至上的原则,其所有选品都经过了严格的测试,以保证产品质量在市场同类产品中具备高标准,同时坚持了亚马逊“天天低价”的原则, 为用户提供了更多高性价比的选择。
By Terry "TCinSATX"
Having recently received an iPad as a gift, I was delighted to receive this elegant case for review.
It is a flat, sleeve-style case, which has no closure. The leather is a gorgeous, chocolate brown with a beautiful grain. It is lined with a soft, synthetic suede that feels like flannel. The edges of the leather are burnished smoothly and the stitching is carefully done.
This case is slightly stiff, to hold its shape, so at first it is a little more difficult to slip your iPad in. However, the leather breaks in with use and it is not a problem.
To decide if this case is right for your needs, consider how you will be using it. There is no padding or closure, so it wouldn't provide adequate protection for your iPad in a backpack filled with books, etc., for example. It works very well in my handbag and on my desk, though.
As a side note, this case can easily be monogrammed at you local shoe repair place. I had my monogram stamped in gold and it looks very elegant. I think it would be a spectacular gift, especially if monogrammed with the recipient's initials.
此产品可享受 AmazonBasics 一年有限保修服务。 如需查看完整的 AmazonBasics 保修条款,请单击此处。基本信息商品尺寸:26 x 22 x 0.5 cm商品重量:113 g发货重量:259 gASIN:B003Y74AX4