我们的客户在通过邮箱获取注册文件时,网页会出现"There are no licenses availab",是不是你们的网站出现问题,能不能及时解决下,我们的客户都很着急,因为他们无法下载和注册使用软件了.
參考答案:I have seen the notice on your web site, my e-mail has some problem,please reply to me as soon as possible when you receive my letter, because our custmers are very vexatious, I hope you can slove the problem as soon as possible.
When our customers obtained the register-file by e-mail, the page will show that"There are no licenses availab", whether it is the problem of your e-mail? can you slove it in time? our custmers are very vexatious for they can't download and register the software.