File Open Failed:(路径)
打开文件后 不定时间内弹出<An error has occurred and the application will now close.
DO you want to attempt to save a copy of the current scene?>
确定 取消
确定后 弹出<e:\3DS MAX....\maxback_recover.max is possibly corrupt. Would you like to try to resave? 是 否>
点是后 弹出保存路径 但无法保存 回到上一提示
点否后 弹出<The scene has been save to E:3DS MAX\...\maxback_recover.max The application will now close. Note: The contents of this may not be intact depending on the severty of the error. > 确定后 3DS MAX截面关闭 弹出一个貌似提交问题报告的东西 3DS MAX Error report
而且不能保存...保存后继续弹出 →<An error has occurred and the application will now close.
DO you want to attempt to save a copy of the current scene?>
确定 取消
点取消后 3DS MAX 直接自动关闭 弹出了那个类似问题报告的文件
參考答案:这其实是max关心用户的一个功能,3d程序比较大而复杂,运行起来可不像word那样稳定。。。呵呵,一些错误的操作会导致软件崩溃,也就出现了你第一次看到的那个提示<An error has occurred and the application will now close.
DO you want to attempt to save a copy of the current scene?>
很贴心吧,你点确定后,max在自己的目录下就会存一个recover.max ,