田忌按照孙膑的主意,用上等马鞍将下等马装饰起来,冒充上等马, 与齐王的上等马比赛。比赛开始,只见齐王的好马飞快地冲在前面,而田忌的马远远落在后面,国王得意地开怀大笑。 第二场比赛,还是按照孙膑的安排,田忌用自己的上等马与国王的中等马比赛,在一片喝彩中,只见田忌的马竟然冲到齐王的马前面,赢了第二场。 关键的第三场,田忌的中等马和国王的下等马比赛,田忌的马又一次冲到国 王的马前面,结果二比一,田忌赢了国王。
參考答案:According to Sun Bin Tian Ji's idea, so used to saddle the next race decoration, posing as tantamount to race, and criticize the equivalent race competition. Competition, the only criticize -- a good horse racing in the front and the race far behind Tian Ji, King proudly laughing. The second match, or in accordance with the Sun Bin, Ma Tian Ji and the king in their own upper middle Race Competition Amidst cheers, the race has seen Tianji criticize into the front of the race, to win the second. The third key market, the middle - Tian Ji Ma Ma and other competitions under the king, Wang Tian Ji Ma again into the front of the race, Results 2:1, Tian Ji won the King.