If you're into Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi, Miu Miu, Christian Dior, then look no further than Manchester's premier department store.
Ono Eno tells us why she thinks Selfridges is Ghetto Fabulous!
With over 3000 brands and 17 restaurants, bars and cafes, there is no need to visit London village (as Marc & Lard call it), Paris, Milan or New York to stock up in the latest in cutting edge fashion. We are the only city in the world that can boast two Selfridges store less than 10 miles apart.
Exchange Square
My favourite store is the Exchange Square Selfridges and I have been known to spend two to three hours just in the food hall - in Tampopo, when money is tight, and the Oyster & Champagne Bar when somebody else is paying. By the way, the coffee bar is just to die for!
上文提到的Selfridges 有GUCCI卖(当然不只是GUCCI,它还卖Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Fendi, Miu Miu, Christian Dior)
Selfridges在MANCHESTER 有两个分店:
1.Selfridges Manchester Trafford
1 The Dome
The Trafford Centre
M17 8DA
2.Selfridges Manchester Exchange Square
Central Manchester
1 Exchange Square
M3 1BD
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Brand name: Brand begins with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Greenwich Village
Groupe Deshouliers
Growing Veip
Gucci (fragrances)
Gucci (jewellery)
Gucci (mens shoes)
Gucci (mens ties)
Gucci (womens accessories)
Gucci (womens shoes)
Gucci (womens)
Guess (watches)