配音: 国语
详细内容: 东汉末年,腐朽没落的东汉王朝分崩离折,外戚宦官当道,军阀混乱,天下大乱,人民流离失所,社会生产力遭到极大破坏,作为“非常之人,超世之杰”的曹操,怀抱救国之志,除暴抗强,惩治腐败,几经沉浮,终于以一个政治家的魄力,统一北部中国。在政治上,他坚决实行“唯才是举,任人唯贤”,极力恢复和发展社会生产力,制定了一套治理国家和军队的法规措施,他注释的孙子兵法和兵法摘要在国内外军事史上都占重要位置。在文学上,他开建安文学之先河,登高必赋,吟诗言志,留下许多脍灸人口的千古名篇,他精国棋,功书法,好音乐,一生不信天命,移风易俗,提倡节俭,重视教育和社会福利事业的发展,为改变政风、民风树立典范,这部电视剧定位于历史人物故事片,描述曹操从22岁到66岁近半个世纪的所作所为,充分展现曹操在治国用人、发展生产、和睦民族、繁荣文学诸方面的卓越成就,突出表现曹操在军事谋略和家庭婚姻情爱方面的喜怒哀乐、悲欢离合,提示人物复杂多面的本质和个性。 When the Eastern Han Dynasty was in its last years, the emperor was unable to control the nation, with the power falling into the hands of eunuches and his relatives of his wife, the warlords fighting each other frequently, and the people being forced to leave home and wander about. During this period, Cao Cao assumed control of government and punished many corrupt officials. Although he experienced many corrupt officials. Although he experienced several ups and downs in his political career, Cao Cao gradually became a powerful statesman, a wise strategist, and finally managed wipe out the warlords and unified the northern part of China. Politically, Cao Cao carried out a policy of appointing people according to their political integrity and ability, set out a series of rules for the army and adopted some active measures for the nation, thus the production being greatly promoted. His Explanations of art of War by Sun Wu and The Outlines of Art of war were two books occupied an important position in the military history in the world. In literature, Cao Cao wrote many ever lasting poems, experssing his ideals and ambitions, His style laid the foundation of the famous school of Jian'an literature. Cao Cao had many telents, such as music, handwriting, and Wei Qi. He did not believe in destiny. He advocated practicing economy, and paid great attention to education and soacial welfare, and set the nation many good examples for offcials and civilians to follow. This TV series is a biography about historical figure. Its materials come not only from history books but also from many anecdotes seldom known by the common people, which gives a complete picture of Cao Cao from 22 to 66 years of age. From this Tv series, you can know what a person Cao Cao: how he appointed people on their marits, how he united national minorities, and how he brought out a prosperous literature and so on. TV also shows in great detail about his personalty in private life by giving his love stories and his families