RoPS --- Roger's PostScript
The RoPS interpreter is an implementation of the level 1 PostScript
programming language interpreter described in Adobe Systems' book, the
'PostScript language reference manual'. RoPS is not an Adobe approved
product. The name 'PostScript' is a registered trademark of Adobe
Systems Incorporated.
RoPS version 5.2c runs under Microsoft Windows NT, 95 and 98. The
program will not run in a 16-bit environment.
+ full Level 1 implementation
+ uses TrueType or Type 1 fonts
+ understands PostScript document structuring conventions:
can randomly access any page of any document.
+ handles colour (process and contone)
+ anti-aliases text
+ can transfer PostScript documents to clipboard as graphics or text
rops52c --key=1527-741CCA9CBC49B-34 name=Personal Edition user=1