专辑中文名: 黑侠
专辑英文名: Black Mask
艺术家: 原声大碟
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 1999年01月01日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
徐夕隶属专门训练无痛无感杀手的组织--701部队,徐不欲成为没感觉的杀人工具,所以逃离701部队,并隐身香港,用一个平凡图书馆文员来掩饰身份,同时亦学习过著平淡的生活,做一个有感觉的普通人。该影片来徐夕不懂人际,常遭同事白眼,唯独有两个非常接近他的人,一个是图书馆众人追求的女同事 TRACY,但TRACY不理旁人,钟情于这个对感情无法理解的徐夕;另一个是棋友辣手神探石Sir。正当徐夕觉得自己开始变成一个平凡人的时候,701部队突然出现,旋风式狠杀香港黑帮头目。
The plot of Black Mask revolves around a group of superhuman fighters (the 701 Squad) who feel no pain; Jet Li, the renegade good guy, must defeat the rest of his former comrades. Similarly, the soundtrack for the film is filled with a host of hip-hop tracks with little feeling invested; the few renegades here are those who invest something in their songs, but they're greatly outnumbered. Our heroes include DITC (Digging in the Crates), whose "Get Yours" could have fit in with the classic funky tracks on the Brand New Heavies' Heavy Rhyme Experience: Vol. 1 compilation; Natural Elements, who bring an underground flow to "Live It Up"; Council, who are nice and smooth on "We're on Top of Thangs"; and Screwball, who makes good use of the DJ Premier-produced "F.A.Y.B.A.N." Everlast's cameo is nothing to write home about, though, and neither is this soundtrack. Let's hope Jet Li fares better in the film. --Randy Silver