中文名: WWE+ECW+TNA【世界摔角娱乐】(2009)
别名: WWE:World Wrestling Entertainment+ECW:Extreme Championship Wreisting+TNA(2009)
资源格式: DVDRip
版本: (更新于2009-06-19)(新增SMACKDOWN 6/19更新)
发行时间: 2008年12月23日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语
1. 所有ED2K连接中,在这整套大堆的列表中,从最上面开始是最新更新各种PPV赛事以及各类WWE系列精选集的更新处;反之,从最下面开始是本月最新更新的SMACKDOWN,RAW,ECW,TNA的非PPV赛事的更新.
2. 每个下载的上方我都表明抬头,比如"以下内容为xx比赛的xx月更新赛事"等等
WWE,即World Wrestling Entertainment世界摔角娱乐,是世界上规模最大的摔角团体。WWE历史最早可追溯至20世纪60年代,是美国流行文化的代表,其旗下现有Raw、Smackdown!、PPV等节目。
极限冠军摔角联盟Extreme Championship Wreisting(ECW)在1992年创立于费城,它的前身是东部摔角联盟。
当时在美国,摔角比赛的性质已经有了很大的改变,娱乐性已经取代了一切,以娱乐性见长的WWF屹立在世界摔坛,但是人们几乎见不到真正的比赛,剧情占据了大部分时间,而摔角手们都是以做秀的方式在比赛。但很多摔角迷都更想看到真正凶狠的打斗和比赛,ECW满足了他们的愿望。其实ECW的意思就是极限冠军摔角联盟,在这个联盟人们真的看到了什么叫极限,而ECW最著名的就是它的死亡比赛和硬蕊比赛,在这些野蛮的比赛里摔角手可以使用任何武器,而比赛也没有任何规则!现在WWF里的硬蕊比赛(Hardcore Match)和STREET FiGHT就是在ECW里学来的。
ECW逐渐有了它特有的忠实的摔角迷,每每到比赛的关键时刻他们就会大喊E-C-DUB(ECW),E-C-DUB。而ECW也是最早跟日本摔角联盟交流的美国摔角联盟,现在WWE里的Tajiri就是ECW从日本NWA联盟请来的。但是像ECW这样不注重剧情而且野蛮残酷的比赛还是难以被大部分人接受,再加上 ECW的高层经营上的失误,ECW终于因入不敷出宣告倒闭!现在ECW已经被WWE所收购,而ECW的老板之一Paul Heyman也入股WWF,更有许多前ECW巨星也活跃在WWE,3D、RHYNO、RAVEN、TAZZ,甚至还有ECW的标志人物“MR. MONDAY NiGHT”Rob Vam Dam!虽然ECW被WWE收购了,但这些明星仍在WWE延续他们的E-C-DUB精神!
关键人物:总裁 Dixie Carter
副总裁 Jeff Jarrett
副业务总裁 Chris Sobol
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA)是由Jeff Jarrett和他的爸爸Jerry Jarrett在2002年5月创立的。目前最大的股东是Panda Energy International。
TNA以前是National Wrestling Alliance的成员之一,因此公司又被称作NWA-TNA,但在2004年公司退出了NWA,目前的NWA重量级冠军腰带和NWA世界双打冠军腰带的使用权将在2014年为结束。
自从WWE收购了WCW之后,WWE就成为了美国最大的、最有影响力的美国摔角联盟。这促使Jerry Jarrett和他的儿子Jeff在2002年5月与National Wrestling Alliance协力成立了一家新的摔角公司。2002年10月,Panda Energy International收购了这个项目,成为了这家公司的最大股东。
Weekly pay-per-views
TNA最初的商业模式就与WWE有很多不同。因为不像其他大联盟那样要巡回演出,TNA就可以把成本降得很低。在2002年底引进TNA Xplosion之前,TNA的节目都是由每周的PPV组成的,第一次播出时间是在2002年6月19日。
在当时绝大多数联盟都是举行每月PPV的情况下,TNA举行每周PPV的行为显然被行业看作是激进分子。当时TNA的每周PPV不仅成本要比WWE每月 PPV的成本要低,而且购买PPV的人也比WWE的要少。每周的赛事也免费在电视台上播出-虽然延迟了6个月-2004年3月在The Wrestling Channel播出,这也是公司首次进军国际市场。27个月后,TNA在2004年8月取消了每周PPV的计划。2004年7月,TNA举行了首场长达3 小时的每月PPV,TNA Victory Road 2004,但购买的人依然不多。
在2004年6 月4日,TNA的TNA iMPACT!在Fox Sports Net播出,它和当时的每周PPV一起成为了TNA的主要收入来源。合同1年之后就终止了,原因了收视率太低。这样TNA在那段时间除了每月的PPV外,根本上没有在电视上播出的机会,因此在2005年7月1日,在TNA为iMPACT!寻找新东家的
同时,TNA把iMPACT!的节目放了在官网上播出,同时也提供了BT种子供下载。在2005年10月1日,TNA终于为iMPACT!找到了一个好东家Spike TV。从此,iMPACT!终于得到了比较理想的收视率,如今已经在周四晚的黄金时段播出。除了每周的演出之外,TNA在2006年3月17日也开始举行house show。10月,TNA在他们的录影场外举行了首场PPV Bound for Glory 2006。TNA也开拓了其他领域,包括与Midway Games共同开发一款TNA的电视游戏,暂时名为TNA iMPACT!,预定将在2008年推出。
2007年1月,TNA与New Motion签下合同,允许New Motion提供TNA的演出。`
高飞与高难度的摔角已经成为了WCW和ECW的一大特色。TNA的高明之处在于他们不是把这些强调成体重低于200磅的轻重量级(cruiserweight)组别,他们看重的是那些动作高难度的本性(X Division并没有最大体重的限制,尽管很多争夺这条腰带的选手都是轻量级选手)。就像TNA的解说员Mike Tenay在第一次结束X Division比赛时的那句口号" It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits (不是体重的限制,而是没有限制)"。尽管在2004年X Division并没有予以重视,但X Division已经成为了TNA的其中一个亮点,并且被许多独立联盟效仿。
iMPACT!和PPV的赛程是由赛程安排委员会决定的,这个委员会由Vince Russo、Jeff Jarrett和Dutch Mantell组成。作为TNA Entertainment的副总裁,Dixie Carter和Jeff Jarrett对决定拥有否决权。在没有赛程安排委员会之前,赛程安排的权利只掌握在一小部分人手里。首先了Jeff和Jerry Jarrett父子,然后是Russo,在之后是Dusty Rhodes。
National Wrestling Alliance
当TNA第一次运作的时候,掌权者是由National Wrestling Alliance任命的,比较有名的包括NWA的副总裁Bill Behrens、Ricky Steamboat和Bob Armstrong。
Director of Authority
2003 年7月23日,TNA电视节目的掌权者就是" Director of Authority(权力主管) "里头的人。这四个人依次是Erik Watts、Vince Russo、Dusty Rhodes和Jim Cornette。在Dusty Rhodes重新与公司签约后,这个位置已经被废除。
Erik Watts (2003年7月23日 – 2004年1月28日)
Vince Russo (2004年2月18日 – 2004年7月11日)
Dusty Rhodes (2004年11月7日 – 2005年6月16日)
Jim Cornette (2006年6月18日 – 现在)
NWA Championship委员会
NWA Championship委员会是由资深的摔角手组成的仲裁团。他们由Harley Race、Jim Cornette、Terry Funk组成,不久之后Funk就被Roddy Piper所代替。在Race和Piper离开TNA后,委员会就只剩下了一个空壳,不过偶尔也会应剧情需要出来客串一下。
过去的TNA Management由"特别裁判" Earl Hebner, "顾问" Dave Hebner和"信使" Christy Hemme组成,现在最新的TNA Management是在Slammiversary宣布的Jim Cornette。
TNA 承认NWA (National Wrestling Alliance)世界重量级冠军和NWA世界双打冠军是他们的顶级腰带。按照惯例,NWA的世界冠军应该要到各地去挑战其他NWA版图里的当地选手。不过现在看来已经不大可能了,因为TNA从NWA那里把那条腰带租到了2014年,已经没有必要承担这种义务了。X Division冠军是唯一由TNA设立的腰带。同时拥有这三条腰带的选手称为TNA Triple Crown(TNA三重冠)。
注: 英语解说无字幕
本人继VeryCD - xzw发布2008 WWE以来 目前接手WWE2008年年底更新以及2009年发布计划 希望热爱WWE娱乐节目的朋友们能够多多捧场!!让WWE这颗种子在国内继续播种下去吧! (我是VeryCD - 典狱长)
This is a decent set with a decent selection of matches in their entirety. The DVD features only Triple H speaking of his career. It's in the same format as Steve Austin's and Hogan's. He'll touch on a subject and it goes straight into the match.
Disk 1
Now the first disk kicks a**. I enjoyed this one the most. Triple H speaks on getting his start and becoming both IC and Heavyweight Champ. He talks about working with Mick Foley, Stone Cold and others. His transformation from the royalty gimmick to DX. The McMahon and Helmsey Faction is spoke on plus there is a very small reference to Chris Benoit, when he explains his quad injury. Like I said, I enjoyed this part of the set the most.
These are the matches featured in their entirety with entrances. Except for the Royal Rumble match. It kicks off when Triple H enters the ring against Stone Cold.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. John Crystal; Raw 5-22-95
IC Title
vs. Marc Mero; Raw 10-21-96
King of the Ring
vs. Mankind; 6-8-97
European title
Triple H vs. Owen Hart; Wrestlemania XIV 3-29-98
WWE Title
vs. Mankind; Raw 8-23-99
No Holds Barred for WWE Title
vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin; No Mercy 10-17-99
Career vs. WWE Title; Hell In a Cell Match
vs. Cactus Jack; 2-27-00
Royal Rumble 2002
Disk 2
Triple H speaks about the fall out and return of Shawn Michaels. Bringing up Evolution and Batista particularly. He speaks about his absence, then returns to feud with Flair. He also mentions Cena asking him, his honest opinion about his performance at Wrestlemania.
These are the matches featured in full.
2 out of 3 falls for Heavyweight Title
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels; Armageddon 12-15-02
Hell in a Cell for Heavyweight Title
vs. Batista; Vengeance 6-26-05
Last Man Standing Match
vs. Ric Flair; Survivor Series 11-27-05
Triple Threat match for WWE Title
vs. John Cena vs. Edge; Backlash 4-30-06
In Your House 12-17-95
Hog Pen Match
vs. Henry O. Godwinn
First Professional Match
Commentary; Jim Ross and Triple H
Burlington,VT 11-1-92
Terra Ryzing vs. Flying Tony Ross
I am grateful for most of these matches. Especially the Cactus Jack(HINC) and the Stone Cold Match. But I still feel this is lacking. First of all, the extras suck as far as I'm concerned. And should suck in anybodies eyes. The second disk I'm not happy with at all. There are no matches with Chris Jericho, Undertaker, and the Rock. Just to name a few. And I really didn't see the point of adding a half Royal Rumble match. I mean come on, this set could have been so much better and I'm not going to toss out 5 stars for what I feel is a half baked collection. And I'm definitly not going to do it just for the Cactus Jack HINC match. 2 disk for a Triple H fan should be a slap in the face. Because that's how I feel after watching this. This set is only worth it for the 1st disk alone.
Armageddon (2008)
Armageddon (2008) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), which took place on December 14, 2008 at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York. It was the ninth Armageddon event produced by WWE and featured talent from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands.[2] Seven professional wrestling matches were scheduled on the event's card.
Armageddon featured professional wrestling matches that involved different wrestlers from pre-existing scripted feuds, plots and storylines. Wrestlers portrayed a villain or a hero as they followed a series of events that built tension, and culminated into a wrestling match or series of matches. All wrestlers were from the Raw, SmackDown, and ECW brands–a storyline division in which WWE employees are assigned to different television programs of the same name.
The main rivalry on the Raw brand heading into Armageddon was between John Cena and Chris Jericho (Christopher Irvine), with the two fighting over the World Heavyweight Championship. At Survivor Series, Cena returned to the WWE after a neck injury and defeated Jericho to win the championship. On the November 24 episode of Raw, Jericho defeated Randy Orton and Batista (David Bautista) in a Triple Threat match to earn a championship bout against Cena at Armageddon. Over the coming weeks, Jericho would prod Cena by gloating about his shot at the belt and winning of the Superstar of the Year Award, verbally berating the champion and the fans, leading to numerous brawls between the two with Jericho receiving aid in the form of Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes (Cody Runnels), and Manu (Afa Anoa'i, Jr.).
The primary feud on the SmackDown brand was between Edge (Adam Copeland), Triple H (Paul Levesque) and Jeff Hardy over the WWE Championship. At Survivor Series, Edge returned to the WWE after a three month hiatus after being announced as a replacement for Hardy, who was originally scheduled to face the defending champion Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov (Oleg Prudius) in a Triple Threat match for the championship, but was (kayfabe) found unconscious in his hotel and hence did not compete in the match. Edge pinned Triple H and won the championship. On the November 29 edition of SmackDown, General Manager Vickie Guerrero announced a Beat the Clock Sprint tournament, where the one of the three competitors (Triple H, Hardy, and Kozlov) would face Edge at Armageddon for the WWE Championship. Hardy was the first to compete against The Brian Kendrick (Brian Kendrick), beating him at the twelve minute and thirteen second mark (12:13). Kozlov followed wrestling ECW Champion, Matt Hardy, but failed to defeat his opponent in the allotted time set by the previous Hardy. Triple H wrestled Shelton Benjamin; he managed to defeat him in the exact same time as Hardy, and thus, as a result, neither man was announced as the contender for the WWE Title due to a dispute between officials. The next week Vickie Guerrero announced that WWE board members had, by passing her, decided Edge would have to defend the title against both Triple H and Jeff Hardy. Edge would spend the last weeks before the pay-per-view attempting to convince Jeff that Triple H had atta