省钱,还可以美其名日体会当地风土人情.主要参考www.talesofasia.com, LP也不错,注意有个S,不要与www.taleofasia.com 混淆,后者也有旅游信息,但GH信息还是前者查起来方便.如果不想住GH,可参考http://maps-guide.org/cambodia/siemreap/city-centre-map.htm看着地图选住处吧.
Dear XXX:
Greeting from Red Lodge.
Thanks for your email. we are delighted to learn your keen interest to stay with us at Red Lodge.
We currently accept only walk-in guests <unforseen over booking>. Thus, we'd like to suggest you to come directly to Red Lodge OR just advise us of your arrival details we are happy to provide you a free pick up to Red Lodge to check the availability. if no room free we can find you a nice place nearby with same facilities and prices.
A/C room $12.00 per night included breakfast.
Thanks for your understanding and please feel free to contact us if any further assistance is needed.
Kind regards,
<Red Lodge Team>
H/P: (855) 12 963 795
2.大家一致好评的sun sengky ,邮件地址:sunsengky@yahoo.com
当天下午就回信,但表示没有免费接机,小车接机要6刀,汽车接站就免费,人家机场明码实价的小车接机才5刀呢,这让我对其说法产生一丝不信任感, 再询问TUKTUK接机价,答日4刀.以前的游记可是写司机为拉生意,如果你答应其后几天包他的车,接机及当天看日落是免费的啊,不爽,再找.其回信之一如下:
Dear XXX !
Thank you for your e-mail
I will keep a double room with A/C ,Cable TV, hot water, refrigerator,private bathroom.($15/perday,2persons).Pick up from the Air port :$6/1taxi (no free). Free pick up from the bus station .
If you agree please booking and tell me upfront, your arrival time,number of your flight.
Many thanks,with best regards
I'm looking forward to your reply
Sun seng ky
3. Popular Guest House,邮件地址: chom@camnet.com.kh
Hello XXX,
How are you? Thank you for your sent me a message. The room is available for you on that day and here are some prices of my guesthouse.
- The room fan with private bathroom:
Double/Twin room with hot water : US$10
- The room with Air condition ( Hot water pus 2US$/Day):
Single or Double/Twin room : US$14
- Guide = US$20 per day
- Car = US$25 per day
- Motorcycle = US$8 or US$9
- Tuk Tuk = US$10 or US$12
- Ticket enter angkorwat area = 20 US$ per day
Please let me know your exact schedule (Date, time and Flight number) you are arrival Siem Reap. I will go to pick you on time.
Note : The transportation from air-port to my guest house is free if you need my Motorcycle or Car to visit Angkor Wat.
Chum (Owner of Popular Guest House)
Address: #033, group 10, Viheachin Village, Svaydangkum commune,
Siem Reap District, Siem Reap province, Cambodia.
Tel : (855) 12 916165
E-mail : chom@camnet.com.kh
or E-mail : 012916165@mobitel.com.kh
URL : http://www.camnet.com.kh/popular
4. ivy guesthouses,邮件地址:ivyasia@hotmail.com
回信: Our double a/c rooms are 20$ per night , if you wish to confirm then mail us your arrival details , all the best Karl .
5. shadow of Angkor 邮件地址:shadowofangkor@hotmail.com
也是我们最后入住的一家,差不多算是LP上对旧市场附近budget hotel的第一推荐了.理由两条一,旧市场附近,二在河边.它的回信给人实话实说的感觉,所以找GH找得头大的我就决定选它了.入住后觉得还行,还算干净,入住的五天我们入乡随俗地脱鞋打赤脚,也没觉得怎么脏.床单,被套一天一换.虽然织物的质地略嫌稀薄.
价格方面,不怎么还价,我们入住五天,所谓优惠也只是允许我们以12刀的价格住到据说不接受风扇价的二楼房间,我们还得答应不用空调.我跟老板理论12刀的价格,在red lodeg可是空调,热水,还送早餐了.老板晃着头,位置不一样嘛,那个地方我知道,脸上一副没法比的表情.说实话,我对red lodeg实地考察后印象也不差,只是受不了它周围一溜亮着暧昧红灯的massage店,夜幕下给人一种非常不好的感觉.
在决定继续住shadow of angkor之前我们还看了red piano,这个以酒吧闻名的店,GH部分和酒吧不在一起.通往GH的路,有一段是坑洼不平的石子路,刚好我们去的那天下过雨,走起来很不爽,这让我对它印象大减.价格是20刀,如果我们同意第二天换另一个房间,可以优惠到18刀,麻烦又不便宜,放弃.
风格鲜明的molly malones,邮件地址: info@mollymalonescambodia.com.位置真的不错,就在酒吧街上,不过晚上可能有点吵.这个店太俏了,先前我也曾通过他们的网络订房间,没回应.到当地后到他们前台问,那个眉眼细细的女生很麻利地看了看帐本,说没有,我问后天呢,这女生笑起来,再看了看说,the same.没什么可想的了,开路了.
说回shadow of Angkor,它三楼房间的风扇价是10刀,比一般8.9刀的价格也要高一点.房价贵的二楼的房间其实还没三楼大,床也小多了,三楼是两张1米5的床,二楼就是两张并在一起的单人床.但是二楼房间有阳台,坐在上面喝茶是假,晾衣服方便啊,有点焚琴煮鹤?呵呵那就焚琴煮鹤吧.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you very much for your recent e-mail, I would like to inform you that
we have the following rooms available:
Rooms with triple A/C, fridge, TV, and hot water: 20USD per night.
Rooms with A/C, fridge, TV, and hot water: 15 USD per night
Rooms with fan, fridge and TV: 10 USD per night
Rooms with fan: 7 USD per night.
We can arrange pick up from airport to our Guesthouse. Price varies
depending on the means of transportation. A motorbike ride cost 2 USD a tux
tux 3USD, and a ride in a car 5 USD. However, if you would decide to use the
driver next day, most drivers will not charge anything for the transport
from the guesthouse. Could you please inform us or when and how (bus, boat,
flight) you will arrive?
Thanks in advance for your reply,
Your sincerely,
Kim ang Shadow of Angkor
or Rasmei Angkor guest house