Psycholinguistics: Critical Concepts in Psychology

參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索分類: 图书,套装书,
品牌: Gerry T. M. Altmann
基本信息出版社:Routledge丛书名:Critical Concepts in Psychology图书馆装订:3288页正文语种:英语ISBN:0415229901条形码:9780415229906商品尺寸:24.2 x 20.6 x 16.6 cmASIN:0415229901商品描述These volumes reprint articles from a variety of international journals, book chapters and, in at least one case, a much cited technical report, taking a broad look at how the field has developed from the turn of the twentieth century through to the turn of the twenty-first century. Each volume is divided into two sections, with short introductions to guide the reader through the material, and the entire collection is preceded by an original general introduction.