分類: 图书,管理,生产与运作管理,
作者: (美)乔普拉(Chopra,S),(美)迈因德尔(Meindl,P.)著
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社
出版时间: 2008-5-1字数:版次: 1页数: 548印刷时间: 2008/05/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787302173311包装: 平装内容简介
Sunil Chopra is the IBM Distinguished Professor of Operations ManagementandInformation Systems at the Kellogg School of Management。He iS also theCodirector of the Masters of Management and Manufacturing program,a Jointdual。degree program between the Kellogg School of Management and theMcCormick School ofEngineefing at Northwestern University。He has a PhDin Operations Research from SUNY at Stony Brook。Prior to ioining Kellogg,he taught at New York University and spent a year at IBM Research。
Professor Chopra’S research and teaching interests are in supply chain andlogistics management,operations management,and the design of telecommuni-cation networks。He has won severaI teaching awards at the MBA and Executiveprograms of Kellogg。He has authored more than 35 papers and two books。
He has been a Department Editor for Management Science and an AssociateEditor for Manu~,,turing&Service Operations Management。Operations Research,and Decision Sciences Journal。His recent research has focused on supply chain risk tounderstand sources of risk and devise mitigation strategies that buffer risk effectivelyat 10W cost。He has also consulted for several firms in the area of supply chain andoperations management。
第1部分 供应链战略分析框架
第1章 供应链的基本概念
第2章 供应链绩效:战略制定的指导思想
第3章 供应链管理关键要素及其难点
第2部分 供应链网络的设计
第4章 分销网络的设计以及电子商务的应用
第5章 供应链中的网络设计
第6章 不确定环境下的网络设计
第3部分 供应链中的供需管理
第7章 供应链中的需求预测
第8章 供应链中的综合计划
第9章 供应链中的供需计划管理:可预测变化的管理
第4部分 供应链中的库存计划与管理
第10章 利用供应链中的规模效益:周转库存管理
第11章 管理供应链中的不确定性:安全库存管理
第12章 确定最优顾客服务水平
第5部分 运输网络的设计和规划
第13章 供应链中的运输问题
第6部分 供应链管理决策中的跨职能关键要素管理
第14章 供应链中的资源获取决策
第15章 供应链中的定价和利润管理
第16章 供应链中的信息技术
第17章 供应链中的协调
A supply chain consists of all parties involved。directly or indirectly,in fulfilling a CUStomer request。The supply chain includes not only the manufacturer and suppliers,butalso transporters,warehouses,retailers,and even customers themselves。Within each organization,such as a manufacturer,the supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request。These functions include。but are not limited tO,new product development,marketing,operations,distribution,finance,and CUStomer service。
Consider a customer walking into a Wal。Mart store tO purchase detergent。The supply chain begins with the customer and his or her need for detergent。The next stage of this supply chain iS the Wal。Mart retail store that the customer visits。Wal。Mart stocks its shelves using inventory that may have been supplied from a finished。goods warehouse or a distributor using trucks supplied by a third party。The distributor in turn iS stocked by the manufacturer(say,Proctor&Gamble〔P&G1 in this case〕。The P&G manufacturing plant receives raw material from a variety of suppliers。who may themselves have been supplied by lower-tier suppliers。For example。packaging material may come from Tenneco packaging。while Tenneco receives raw materials to manu。facture the packaging from other suppliers。This supply chain iS illustrated in Figure 1-1,with the arrows cOrresponding tO the direction of physical product flow。
A supply chain is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information product,and funds between different stages。In our example。Wal。Mart provides the product,aswell as pricing and availability information。to the customer。The customer transfers funds to Wal。Mart。Wal—Mart conveys point。of-sales data as well as replenishment orders to the warehouse or distributor,who transfers the replenishment order via trucks back to the store。Wal。Mart transfers funds to the distributor after the replen—ishment。The distributor also provides pricing information and sends delivery sched。ules to Wal。Mart。Wal—Mart may send back packaging material to be recycled。Similar
information,material,and fund flOWS take place across the entire supply chain。
In another example,when a customer makes a purchase online from Dell Computer,the supply chain includes,among others,the customer,Dell’s web site。the Dell assembly plant,and all of Dell’s suppliers and their suppliers。The Web site provides the customer with information regarding pricing,product variety,and product availability。Having made a product choice,the customer enters the order information and pays for the product。The customer may later return to the Web site to check the status of the order。Stages farther up the supply chain use customer order information to fill the request。That process involves an additional flow of information。product。and funds between various stages of the supply chain。
These examples illustrate that the customer is an integral part of the supply chain。……