Invariants of homology 3-spheres同源3球形Invariants

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Nikolai Saveliev著
出 版 社: 湖南文艺出版社
出版时间: 2002-10-1字数:版次: 1页数: 223印刷时间: 2002/10/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540437963包装: 精装内容简介
Homology 3-sphere is a closed 3-dimensional manifold whose homology equals that of the 3-sphere. These objects may look rather special but they have played an outstanding role in geometric topology for the past fifty years. The book gives a systematic exposition of diverse ideas and methods in the area, from algebraic topology of manifolds to invariants arising from quantum field theories. The main topics covered are constructions and classification of homology 3-spheres, Rokhlin invariant, Casson invariant and its extensions, including invariants of Walker and Lescop, Herald and Lin invariants of knots, and equivariant Casson invariants, Floer homology and gauge-theoretical invariants of homology cobordism. Many of the topics covered in the book appear in monograph form for the first time. The book gives a rather broad overview of ideas and methods and provides a comprehensive bibliography. It will be appealing to both graduate students and researchers in mathematics and theoretical physics.
1Homology 3-Spheres
1.1 Integral Homology 3-Spheres
1.1.1 Homotopy 3-Spheres
1.1.2 Poincare Homology Sphere
1.1.3 Brieskorn Homology Spheres
1.1.4 Seifert Fibered Homology Spheres
1.1.5 Dehn Surgery on Knots
1.1.6 Surgery on Links
1.1.7 Connected Sums and Splicing
1.1.8 Splice Decomposition
1.1.9 Plumbing
1.1.10 Links of Singularities
1.1.11 Mutations
1.1.12 Branched Covers
1.1.13 Heegaard Splittings of Homology Spheres.
1.2 Rational Homology Spheres
1.2.1 Spherical Space Forms
1.2.2 Dehn Surgery
1.2.3 Seifert Fibered Manifolds
1.2.4 Links of Singularities
1.2.5 Branched Covers
2Rokhlin Invariant.
2.1 The Rokhlin Theorem
2.2 Definition of the Rokhlin Invariant
2.3 Properties of the Rokhlin Invariant
2.3.1 Surgery Formula for the Rokhlin Invariant
2.3.2 Surgery on Algebraically Split Links
2.3.3 Splicing and Mutation
2.3.4 Rokhlin Invariant of Branched Coverings
2.3.5 Birman-Craggs Homomorphisms
2.3.6 Homology Cobordism Invariance
2.4 Seifert Fibered and Graph Homology Spheres
2.4.1 The Algorithm
2.4.2 The Formula
3Casson Invariant
3.1 Definition of the Casson Invariant
3.2 Construction of the Casson Invariant
3.2.1 SU(2)-Representation Spaces
3.2.2 The Intersection Theory
3.2.3 Orientations
3.2.4 Independence of Heegaard Splitting
3.2.5 Casson Invariant for Knots and Property (1)
3.2.6 The Difference Cycle
3.2.7 Casson Invariant for Boundary Links and Property (2)
3.2.8 Casson Invariant of a Trefoil and Property (0)
3.3 Comments and Ramifications
3.3.1 Pillowcase
3.3.2 Perturbations
3.3.3 The Connected Sum Formula
3.3.4 The Integrality of A(Z)
3.3.5 Casson Invariant of Algebraically Split Links
3.4 Properties of the Casson Invariant
3.4.1 Splicing Additivity
3.4.2 Mutation Invariance
3.4.3 Casson Invariant of Branched Coverings
3.4.4 Casson Invariant of Fibered Knots
3.4.5 Finite Type Invariants
3.4.6 Further Properties of the Casson Invariant
3.5 Seifert Fibered and Graph Homology Spheres
3.5.1 Casson Invariant of
3.5.2 Casson Invariant of
3.5.3 The Neumann-Wahl Conjecture
3.6 Applications of the Casson Invariant
3.6.1 Triangulating Topological 4-Manifolds
3.6.2 Amphicheiral Homology Spheres
3.6.3 Property P for Knots
4Invariants of Walker and Lescop
4.1 Definition of the Walker Invariant
4.2 Construction of the Walker Invariant
4.2.1 SU(2)-Representation Varieties
4.2.2 The Intersection Theory
4.2.3 The Surgery Formula
4.2.4 Combinatorial Definition of the Walker Invariant
4.3 The Lescop Invariant
4.4 Properties of the Walker and Lescop Invariants
4.4.1 The Gluing Formula
4.4.2 Branched Covers
4.4.3 Seifert Fibered Manifolds
4.5 Casson Type Invariants from Other Lie Groups
5 Casson Invariant adn Gauge Theory
6 Instanton Floer Homeology
7 The Homology Cobordism Group