超快和纳米光学(英文版)(ultrafast ans nano optics)

分類: 图书,工业技术,一般工业技术,
作者: 本社 编
出 版 社: 科学出版社
出版时间: 2008-1-1字数:版次: 1页数: 171印刷时间: 2008/01/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787030221988包装: 精装编辑推荐
This is the proceedings of the International Symposium on Ultrafast and Nano-Optics 2007 (UNO2007). This symposium was held on 28-31 October 2007 in Beijing University of Technology. More than 45 scientists came to the symposium from 7 countries and gave presentations, reporting their recent progresses in the research fields of ultrafast and nano-optics, as well as in other related topics. This proceedings includes 32 full papers that have been presented at this symposium. The symposium was very successful in stimulating extensive discussions in the focused topics in optics. We acknowledge all of the scientists that have attended this symposium for their contributions and hope that this meeting will be helpful for establishing close communications and collaborations between these active research groups.
This proceedings collects 32 articles that are presented in the international symposium of "Ultrafast and Nano Optics" held in Beijing University of Technology in October, 2007. A variety of focused topics were covered by this symposium, including ultrafast laser technology, laser micromachining, time-resolved spectroscopy, nano-fabrication and characterization, micro- and nano-scale organic and inorganic optoelectronics. The articles have been reorganized systematically so that they may provide a useful resource and a good reference for the graduate students and for the scientists in the fields of optics, laser technology, nanoscience and nanotechnology, and condensed matter physics.
Section Ⅰ Ultrafast Optics and Applications
Polymer Optical Fiber Amplifiers Based on Conjugated Fluorene Oligomers
Femtosecond Laser Applications in Micro/Nano Science and Technology
Timing Distribution with Femtosecond Lasers
Femtosecond Petawatt Ti'sapphire Laser in SIOM
Femtosecond Filaments in Air: Multi-pulses Carrying Phase Dislocation
Generation of High Energy Picosecond Laser Pulse at Near-Vacuum Ultraviolet by Sum Frequency Mixing of Amplified Ti:sapphire Laser
Generation of 10 fs Laser Pulses at Repetition Rate of 525 MHz and Octave-Spanning Spectrum Broadening
Cr:LiSAF Fs-lasers and Applications in Tradition Chinese Medicine
Frequency Doubling VECSELs with LBO
Supercontinuum Generation in Tapered Fiber and Propagation Characteristics of Femto-Second Pulse
Even-and Odd-Parity Exciton-Dissociation States Resolved Using Tunable Multi- Photon Excitation in Polyfluorene
Section Ⅱ Nano Optics and Technology
Photonic Bandgap Structures with Organic Materials for Lasing Applications
Temporal Dynamics of the Yellow Mn Internal Luminescence of Zn1-xMnxS Nano-spheres of Different x
Dimensional Dependence of the Transients of the Yellow Mn Luminescence in Zn1-xMnxS Nanowires and Nanoribbons
Optical Properties of the Microstructures of the Iridescent Scales in Butterflies
Fabrication of Periodic Quasi-Crystals with Photonic Band Gaps Overlaping the Whole Visible Range
Luminescent and Spectroscopic Applications of Photonic Nanostructures
Holographic Design of Photonic Crystals with Large Complete Bandgap
Experimental Nano-Mechanics of One-Dimensional Nanomaterials by In-situ Tran- smission Electron Microscopy
The Research on Laser Microprocessing Technology
Analysis of Negative Refraction of 2D Photonic Crystals with EFS Method
Transmission Properties and Negative Refraction in Holographic Photonic Crystals
Design of Photonic Crystal Based Four-Channel Drop Filters
Optical Properties of Nanometer Metallic Structures
Fabrication of Large-Area two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals of Metallic Nano- cylinders Using Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles
Section Ⅲ Other Topics
Studies of Two Miniature Light-Harvesting Antennae: A Peridinin-Pyropheophorbide Dyad and its Fucoxanthin Analogue
Determination of the Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient of Quartz Crystals
Fiber Loop-Mirror Sensor
Acousto-Electro-Optic Device Using Surface Acoustic Wave
Interaction Between Surface Acoustic Wave and Fiber Guided Optic Wave
Wavelength Demodulation Device with High Resolution
Analysis of Pulse Width Expanded on Diversified Dispersions in Fibers