分類: 图书,外语 ,英语读物,英汉对照,
作者: (俄)克雷洛夫 原著,王勋 等编译
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社
出版时间: 2009-4-1字数:版次: 1页数: 338印刷时间:开本: 16开印次:纸张:I S B N : 9787302190059包装: 平装编辑推荐
小箱子/A Little Box
黄雀和刺猬/Bullfinch and Hedgeh09
狼和小羊/Wolf and Lamb
驴子/The Ass
金卢布/A Gold Piece
青蛙们想要一个国5E/The Frogs Ask for a Kin9
狮子和豹子ILion and Leopard
兽类的瘟疫/The Plague ofthe Beasts
一只桶/A Cask
小溪/The Brook
蜻蜓和蚂蚁/Gadfly and Ant
梭子鱼和猫)L/Pike and Cat
小乌鸦/The Raven Chick
富翁和鞋匠/Rich Man and Cobbler
猫和厨子/Cat and Cook
悔过的狐狸/The Penitent Fox
鹰和蜘蛛/Eagle and Spider
鹰和鼹K/Eagle and Mole
四重奏/A Quartette
狼和狐狸/Wolf and Fox
山姆的外套/Sammy’S Coat
隐士和熊/Hermit and Bear
参观者/The Sightseer
农民和河/The Peasants and The River
仁慈的狐狸/TheKi nd Fox
野兽会议/Beasts in Council
照莺和鸽子/Bullfinch and Pigeon
石头和小虫子/Stone and Worm
乌鸦和狐狸/Crow and Fox
挑剔的老姑娘/The Dainty Spinster
路人和猎狗/Wayfarers and Hounds
野兔打猎/The Hare A—Huntin9
驴子和夜莺/Ass and Nightingale
狼和它的孩子/Wolfand His Cub
花/The Flowers
马和骑师/Horse and Rider
狗、人、猫和鹰/D09,Man,Cat and Hawk
受到宠爱的大象/The Elephant in Favour
好运来访/Fortune on a Visit
猎人/The Sportsman
驴子和乡下人/Ass and Rustic
蛇和农夫/Snake and Master Will
网中的熊/Mike in the Net
老鼠会议/Mice in Council
两只狗/Two Dogs
跳舞的鱼/Fishes Dancin9
狼和羊/Wolves and Sheep
橡树和芦苇/0ak and Reed
小树林和火/Grove and Fire
鹰和蜜蜂/Eagle and Bee
大车队/A Train OfCarts
天鹅、梭子鱼和虾/Swan,Pike and Crab
农夫和蛇/The Peasant and the Snake
狮子打猎/The Lion a-Huntin9
人和他的影子/A Man and His Shadow
牧羊人和大海/The Shepherd and The Sea
葬礼/A Funeral
鹅卵石和钻石/Boulder and Diamond
农夫和蛇/Peasant and Snake
两个孩子/Two Boys
乌鸦和母鸡/Crow and Fowl
工程9币/The Engineer
农夫和强盗Peasant and Robber
猴子和镜子/Monkey and Mirror
狐狸和葡萄/Fox and The Grapes
男孩和蛀!k/The Boy and The Worm
狮子和老鼠/Lion and Mouse
公鸡和杜鹃/Cock and Cuck00
蛤蟆和小公牛/Frog and Bullock
纸鸢/A Kite
火与钻石/Fire and Diamond
大官/A Great Lord
神谕/The Oracle
狮子和猎人/Lion and Man
狮子老了/Lion Grown Old
驴子和它的铃铛/The Ass and His Bell
矢车菊/he Cornflower
杂色羊/Speckled Sheep
农夫和羊/Peasant and Sheep
守财奴/The Miser
强盗和车夫/Robber and Carter
诗人和百万富翁/Poet and Millionaire
农夫和死神/The Peasant and Death
骑士/The Knight
猴子小姐和她的眼镜/Miss Monkey and Her Spectacles
树叶和树根/Leaves and Roots
狐狸和土拨鼠/Fox and Marmot
狗的友谊/D09’S Friendship
两只鸽子/Two Pigeons
小狮子的教育Young Lion’S Education
狼落狗窝/Wolfin the Kennels
三重婚者/The Trigamist
羊和狗/Sheep and Dogs
狼和鹤/Wolfand Crane
约翰的汤/Soup ofMaster John
鹰和鸡/Eagle and Fowls
浪子和燕子/Spendthrift and Swallow
橡树下的猪/Pig Under the Oak
狼和牧人/Wolfand Shepherds
狮子和狼/Lion and Wolf-
蜜蜂和苍蝇/Bee and Flies
男孩和蛇/Boy and Snake
政治家和思想家/Statesman and Thinker
分红/Sharing Up
苍蝇和马车/The Fly and The Coach
强壮的蚂蚁/The Strong Ant
蜘蛛和痛风/Spider and Gout
建筑师狐狸/Fox As Architect
磨房主/The Miller
小老鼠和大老鼠/Mouse and Rat
阿佩利斯和小毛驴/Apelles and the Young Ass
一颗麦子/A Blade ofCorn
农夫和马/Peasant and Home
狼和杜鹃/Wolfand Cuck00
说谎者/The Liar
小树/The Saplin9
袋子/The Ba9
园丁和自以为聪明的人/Gardener and Wiseacre
池沼和河流/Pond and River
公鸡和珍珠/Cock and Pearl
勤勉的熊/The Industrious Bear
攀藤/The Creeper
青蛙和朱庇特/Froggy and Jupiter
杜鹃和斑鸠/Cuckoo and Wood—Pigeon
老农夫和长X-/Old Mat and His Man
作家和强盗/Author and Robber
小石斑Z/The Young Roach
云/A Cloud
诽谤/A Calumny
农夫和他的斧头/The Peasant and His Axe
盛宴/A Feast
铁锅和瓦罐/Kettle and Pot
采珍珠的人/The Pearl Divers
游泳者与海/The Swimmer and The Sea
蜘蛛和蜜蜂/Spider and Bee
主人和老鼠/Master and the Mice
狮子和蚊子/Lion and Gnat
熊的晚宴/Mike’S Dinner Party
狼和猫/Wolfand Cat
野山羊/Wild Goats
狮子、羚羊和狐狸/Lion,Chamois and Fox
贫苦的富人/The Poor Rich Man
狮子和狐狸/Lion and Fox
狐狸和驴子Fox and Ass
苍蝇和蜜蜂/Fly and Bee
农夫和狗/Peasant and D09
大象和巴儿狗Elephant and Pu9
老人和三个花花公子/The Old
Man and The Three Young Dandies
转笼上的松鼠/Squirrel on His Wheel
猫和夜莺/Cat and Nightingale
母鹿和苦修僧人/The Doe and The Dervish
在蜂房中的熊/Mike among the Hives
命运女神和乞/Fortune and The Beggar
牧羊人桑迪/Shepherd Sandy
狼和老鼠/Wolfand Mouse
来自另外一个教区/From The Next Parish
主妇和她的两个女佣/Mistress andHerTwoMaids
三个乡下人/The Three Townies
两个乡下人/Two Countrymen
商人/The Merchant
造谣中伤者和蛇/Slanderer and Snake
两只桶/Two Casks
蛇和小羊/Snake and Lamb
狮王的床/King Lion’S Bed
猫头鹰和驴子/Owl and Donkey
军刀/The Sabre Blade
瀑布和温泉/Waterfall and Brook
梳子/A Comb
小猫和八哥/Kitten and Starlin9
贪心人和母鸡/The Miser and The Hen
杜鹃和鹰/Cuckoo and Eagle
大炮和船帆/Cannon and Sails
农夫和狐狸/Peasant and Fox
狗和/Dog and Horse