
分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
品牌: 闻邦椿
·页码:266 页
Introduction to the First Author
Chapter 1 Development of the Theory and Technology of Vibratory Synchronization and Controlled Synchronization
1.1 Synchronization phenomena and problems in the natural world and engineering
1.2 Developments of theory and technology of vibratory synchronization
1.3 Developments of controlled synchronization theory and technology
1.4 Development of theory and technology of composite synchronization
1.5 Development of theory and technology of fixed speed ratio control
1.6 Prospects
Chapter 2 Vibratory Synchronization of Plane Motion of Self Synchronous Vibrating Machines with Dual-motors
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Synchronization theory of plane motion self synchronous vibrating machines with single mass
2.2.1 Two motion states and orbits of self synchronous vibrating machines with two exeiters
2.2.2 Torque equilibrium equations of the two shafts in a self synchronous vibrating machine of plane motion
2.2.3 Synchronization condition of the two exciters in a vibrating machine of plane motion
2.2.4 Stability conditions of synchronous operation
2.2.5 AnalYsis of the factors influencing the conditions of implementing synchronization and stability
2.2.6 Experimental results for the vibrating machines of plane motion
2.3 Synchronization theory of a plane motion self synchronous vibrating machine with dual masses
2.3.1 Motion equation and its solution of a plane motion self synchronous vibrating machine with dual masses
2.3.2 Equations of motion of exciters 1 and 2
2.3.3 Synchronization condition of self synchronous vibrating machines with dual masses
2.3.4 Stability conditions of synchronous states
2.3.5 Some results of the experiments
2.4 Theory of synchronization for centroid rotation vibrating machines with two exciters
2.4.1 Equations of motion and their resolutions
2.4.2 Synchronization condition obtained by Hamiltonian principle
2.4.3 Stability condition of synchronization
2.4.4 Vibration-oriented angle fl of the mass center and orbit of the machine body
2.4.5 Experimental results and discussions
2.5 Times frequency synchronization of nonlinear self synchronous vibrating machines
2.5.1 Condition of times frequency synchronization of nonlinear self synchronous vibrating machines
2.5.2 Stability condition of times frequency synchronization for nonlinear vibrating machines
2.6 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Vibratory Synchronization of Spatial Motion Self Synchronous Vibrating Machines
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Synchronization condition and stability condition of synchronous states of spatial motion single mass self synchronous vibrating machinery
3.2.1 Motion equations of vibrating system and the solution
3.2.2 Condition of implementing synchronization
3.2.3 Two synchronous states and the stability condition
3.3 Synchronization of dual-mass self synchronous vibrating machines of spatial motion
3.4 Experimental results and the analysis
3.4.1 Experiments of synchronization when two motors are powered on
3.4.2 Experiments of synchronization when one motor is powered off
3.4.3 Experiments for stability of the two synchronous states
3.4.4 Experiments for controlling the vibration-oriented angle of self synchronous vibrating machines
Chapter 4 Vibratory Synchronization Transmission and Its Applications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Motion equation and steady state responses
4.3 Synchronization criterion and stability criterion
4.3.1 Synchronization criterion of vibratory synchronization transmission
4.3.2 Two synchronous states and stability criterions of △v and △v2
4.3.3 Discussions about some special cases
4.4 Criterion and stability of vibratory synchronization transmission in some specific conditions
4.4.1 Criterion of vibratory synchronization transmission
4.4.2 Stability criterion of synchronous state
4.5 Experimental results and discussions
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 Self Synchronization of Dual Motors with Electromechanical Coupling123
5.1 Electromechanical coupling mathematical model of a dual-shaft inertial vibrating machine
5.2 Performance of electromechanical coupling self synchronization of an inertial vibrating machine with two shafts
5.2.1 Synchronization of starting process of the system under an ideal condition
5.2.2 Synchronous process of starting with initial phase differences between the two eccentrics
5.2.3 Synchronous starting process of the vibrating system with a small performance difference between the two motors
5.2.4 Transient process of synchronization with speed disturbance or phase disturbance
5.3 Transient process of vibratory synchronization transmission
5.4 Electromechanical coupling self synchronous characteristics of elastic link vibrating machines
5.4.1 Electromechanical coupling mathematical model of the system
5.4.2 Start-up transient synchronous process of the system with an initial phase difference
5.4.3 Transient process of the system with a performance difference between the two motors
5.4.4 Transient process of self synchronization of the system with speed disturbance
5.5 Electromechanical coupling analysis of synchronization of electric vibrating machine with two exciting headers
5.5.1 Equations of motion
5.5.2 Self synchronous characteristics of the electromechanical coupling ...
Chapter 6 Controlled Synchronization of Multi-motor Mechanical Systems Using Traditional Methods
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Methods for detection of motor speed and phase in mechanical systems with multi-motor drives
6.2.1 Synchronous measurement of rotational velocities for multiple motors in mechanical systems
6.2.2 Determination of rotational direction
6.2.3 Phase measurement
6.3 Controlled synchronization of mechanical systems with multiple motors by PID
6.3.1 Design methods of a PID controller
6.3.2 Design of PID control for velocity synchronization of mechanical systems with multi-motor drives
6.4 Sliding mode variable structure control
6.5 Model reference adaptive control
6.5.1 Mathematical model of controlled object and reference model
6.5.2 Design of an adjustable controller
6.5.3 Development of the equivalent error system
6.5.4 Adaptive laws
6.6 Speed sensorless field-oriented control of synchronization of mechanical systems with multi-motor drives
6.6.1 Adaptive identification models of rotor speed and magnetic linkage of an induction motor
6.6.2 Speed sensorless control of induction motors
6.6.3 Controlled synchronization of mechanical systems with multi-motor drives
6.7 Conclusions
Chapter 7 Intelligent Controlled Synchronizations of Mechanical Systems with Multi-motor Drives
7.1 Introduction
7.1.1 Development of intelligent control
7.1.2 Features of intelligent control objects
7.1.3 Strategies of intelligent control
7.2 Self-organizing and self-earning fuzzy control of a mechanical system with dual motors
7.2.1 Self-organizing fuzzy control of two-motor tracking synchronization
7.2.2 Fuzzy model of an AC motor
7.2.3 Fuzzy model of an AC motor powered with a transducer
7.2.4 Design of the fuzzy controller
7.2.5 Experiments of fuzzy control for synchronization tracking
7.3 Fuzzy monitoring control of phase difference for a vibrating machine with dual-motor drives rotating in the same direction
7.3.1 Mechanical model of a vibrating system with dual-motor drives
7.3.2 Speed synchronization control of the dual motors
7.3.3 Fuzzy monitoring control of phase synchronization of the two eccentric rotors
7.3.4 Phase synchronization control and simulation results of the vibrating system with dual-motor drives
7.4 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Composite Synchronization of Vibrating Machines with Four Motors
8.1 Mechanical model of a vibrating system with four motors
8.1.1 Mechanical model of system
8.1.2 Conditions of composite synchronization of four eccentric rotors
8.2 Fuzzy control of the phase difference
8.2.1 Neural network simulator
8.2.2 Fuzzy control for phase tracking
8.2.3 Control system for phase synchronous tracking
8.3 Simulation results
8.4 Conclusions
Chapter 9 Fixed Speed Ratio Control of Two-motor Mechanical Systems
9.1 Model of the fixed speed ratio tracking control system
9.2 Design of a composite variable structure controller for fixed speed ratio control
9.3 Computer control system of the fixed speed ratio control
9.4 Speed measurement of the rotor
9.4.1 Principle of speed measurement
9.4.2 Hardware of the speed measurement system
9.5 Software design of the fixed speed ratio control system
9.6 Simulations and experiments
9.6.1 Results of simulations
9.6.2 Experimental results and discussion
序言A synchronous phenomenon is a form of movement naturally existing innature as well as in human society and production. Most synchronousphenomena are naturally formed during the evolution process of the naturalworld and the human society. However, in engineering and technology, it isoften created artificially to satisfy people's needs. In most cases, thesynchronous phenomena are beneficial to human beings, but are harmful inother cases. For example, synchronous satellites in space orbit insynchronization about the earth. Another example of the synchronizationphenomena is in radiobroadcast, one of the most common ways to transmitinformation in human lives. In order to receive the expected sounds fromradio stations, the receiving frequency of the radios must match the sendingfrequency from the radio stations, which is so-called sending-receivingsynchronization. But in other circumstances, the synchronization phenomenamay be unwanted as they may be hazardous and harmful. For example,soldiers are forbidden from marching synchronously in a group on a wirebridge, because the resonant forces produced by the synchronized runningmay cause a disaster.
The synchronous phenomena and their issues can be found anywhere inthe natural world and fields of engineering and technology.

There is a variety of plane motion self synchronous vibrating machinesbeing widely used in industry for material feeding, conveying, screening,cooling, drying, forming and casting, such as the self synchronous vibratingfeeder, the self synchronous vibrating conveyor, the self synchronousvibrating cooler, the self synchronous vibrating probability screen, the selfsynchronous vibrating dryer, the self synchronous vibrating sand-droppingmachine, the self synchronous straight line vibrating screen, the selfsynchronous cold and the hot ore vibrating screen, etc. These machines havethe following advantages.
(1)The drive system is much simpler than a forced synchronous systemwith a mechanical transmission chain due to that there is not a gearbox in aself synchronous system.
(2)Easy for lubrication, maintenance and service without gearboxes.
(3)The amplitude of resonant vibration can be significantly reduced forsome of self synchronous vibrating machines during the starting or thestopping process.
(4)Most self synchronous vibrating machines used in industry aredirectly driven by exciting motors, which make the drive systems evensimpler and easily installed, and offer a significant cost savings.
(5)Easy to realize a seriation, generalization and standardization.