1. 1张填好的签证申请表,1张彩色近照
2. 护照(其有效期在签证到期后仍不少于6个月),以及护照内有照片页的复印件, 如果有其他国家已发的签证,还需要提供这些签证页的复印件
3. 中国公司或单位的信件原件,同意申请人申请葡萄牙和其他申根国家的短期逗留签证,写明申请人的职务、访问的目的和日期,以及回国担保
4. 葡萄牙公司或组织的邀请函原件,写明申请人的姓名、其服务的公司或组织的名称,以及访问的目的和日期
5. 往返机票的订单、酒店和住所的订单
6. 经济能力担保证明(写在邀请函中或者以担保信形式等)
7. 访问期间的医疗保险(复印并翻译成英文)
8. 中国因私或因公护照持有者须提交户口本内所有资料的复印件(需要英文或葡萄牙文翻译件),户口原件将在检查后立即退还
9. 外国公民需要携带中国居留证,并提交居留证内所有资料的复印件(需要英文或葡萄牙文翻译件)
10. 中国的亲属关系公证书(翻译成英文或葡萄牙文),并经过中国外交部和葡萄牙驻华大使馆双认证
11. 亲属在葡萄牙的合法身份(如葡萄牙身份证:居留证、定居签证等)
12. 公司的营业执照和年检复印件(包括英文翻译件)
13. 会议的组织者提供的会议详细日程
Short Stay Visa
The opening hours for the Visa Section of the Portuguese Embassy in Beijing are:
Monday and Thursday from 9h30 to 12h00 (Ordinary Passport)
Monday to Friday from 9h30 to16h00 (Diplomatic, Service and Public Affairs Passports) Closed on Portuguese and Chinese holidays
1. 1 visa application form, duly completed with recent color photo
2. Passport, valid at least 6 months after expiration of the visa, with photocopy of pages containing personal data as well as visas that may have been eventually obtained from other countries;
3. Original letter from Chinese company/organization, granting permission to the applicant for short stay visit to Portugal and other Schengen States, also indicating the employment position, purpose/duration of visit, and guarantee of return;
4. Original invitation letter from the Portuguese company/organization, with indication of name of the applicant, company/organization, purpose and duration of the visit;
5. Confirmation of flight and hotel/accommodation reservations;
6. Proof of financial means as guarantee (in invitation letter, company/guarantee letter);
7. Medical Insurance for the period of visit;
8. For Chinese Ordinary/Public Affairs passport holders: photocopy of “HUKOU” with all pages with mentions (with English or Portuguese translation) (original must be submitted for verification, and will be returned to the applicant immediately);
9. For foreign applicants: resident permit in China, with copy of all the pages with mentions (with English or Portuguese translation).
For Visiting Family Members
10. Notarized Chinese Certificate of Relationship (with translation in English or in Portuguese), duly legalized by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Portuguese Embassy in Beijing
11. Proof of the legal status of the visiting person in Portugal
(i.e., Portuguese ID card; permanent residence, residence visa)
For Business Visit
12. Photocopy of the Company’s Business Registration License (photocopy with English translation)
For Conference Participation
13. Detailed agenda/program of the conference, provided by the conference organizer
Additional documents might be requested.
All applicants should come in person for interview.