LNP-652: The Hispalensis lectures on nuclear physics, vol. 2Hispalensis核物理学讲义,第2卷

分類: 图书,进口原版书,科学与技术 Science & Techology ,
作者: Jose Miguel Arias, Manuel Lozano著
出 版 社: 北京燕山出版社
出版时间: 2005-3-1字数:版次: 1页数: 327印刷时间: 2005/03/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9783540225126包装: 精装内容简介
Powerful new techniques, including heavy ion and exotic beams, are pushing the frontiers of nuclear physics and opening up a wealth of new fields of research. After introductory chapters on theoretical and experimental aspects of nuclear collisions and beams, ``Exotic Nuclear Physics" offers articles by experienced lecturers on forefront topics in nuclear physics, such as the conquest of the neutron and the proton drip-lines, nuclear astrophysics, the equation of state of hypernuclear matter, nuclear supersymmetry and chaotic motion in nuclei. This volume continues the successful tradition of published lecture notes from the Hispalensis International Summer School. It will benefit graduate students and lecturers in search of advanced material for self-study and courses as will as researchers in search of a modern and comprehensive source of reference.
Microscopic Models of Heavy Ion Interactions
1 Introducuon
2 High-Energy Scattering: Ha(ironic Picture
3 Microscopic String Models
4 Nuclear Stopping
5 Hyperon and Antihyperon Production
6 J/ч Suppression
7 Conclusions
Appendix A
Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
and the Quark-Gluon Plasma
A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
3 Experimental Program and Global Observables
4 Particle Yields and Their Statistical Description
5 Charmonium and Charmed Hadrons
6 Outlook
Nuclear Physics Far from Stability
K. Heyde
1 Introduction: Physics of Nuclear Binding and Stability
2 Exploring the Nuclear Many-Body System: Learning from the Past
3 Theoretical Approaches for Describing Atomic Nuclei near Stability
4 How Far Can One Extrapolate the Nuclear Shell-Model?
5 Exploring the Nuclear Many-Body System: Recent Experimental Results
6 Outlook
Experiments with Radioactive Nuclear Beams
1 Introduction
2 Production and Acceleration of Exotic Nuclei
3 Experimental Studies of Halo States
4 Nuclei at and Beyond the Driplines
5 Beta-Decay of Exotic Nuclei
6 Suggestions for Further Reading
Beyond the Proton Drip-Line
1 Introduction
2 The Proton Drip-Line
3 Proton Radioactivity from Spherical Nuclei
4 Proton Radioactivity from Deformed Nuclei
5 Conclusions
Nuclear Reactions with Exotic Beams
1 Introduction
2 Heavy-Ion Reactions and Optical Potentialsin Systems Far from the Stability Line. Effects Associated with the Presence of Skins and Haloes
3 Consequences of a Neutron Skin on the Properties of the Nuclear Excitation States. Giant Resonances and Novel Collective Modes
4 Low-Lying Strength (Mainly Dipole) for Weakly Bound Systen at the Drip Lines. Effect of Halo Distribution and Break-Up Processes
5 Sub-barrier Fusion Processes with Weakly-Bound Nuclei. Effect of Coupling to the Continuum
Nuclear Astrophysics: Selected Topics
1 Introduction
2 The Nuclear Physics Input
3 Hydrostatic Burning Stages
4 Core Collapse Supernovae
5 Nucleosynthesis Beyond Iron
Equation of State of Hypernuclear Matter and Neutron Ste
1 introduction
2 The Baryon-Baryon Interaction and the Nuclear Many-Body Problem
3 /3-Stability in Neutron Star Matter
Regularity and Chaos in the Nuclear Masses
An Introduction to Nuclear Supersymmetry:A Unification Scheme for Nuclei