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Dear Summer Breeze,
I wish we can share your sorrow and alleviate your heartache. Death is a gateway that once crossed over, there’s no return. The deceased is probably liberated into the next dimension while the survivors are left to bear all the pain in this dimension. I lost my father more than fourteen months ago so I can understand the pain you’re enduring. I am totally despaired when I realize that I can never establish a link to communicate with my late father anymore. While the sorrow may be lessened as time passes by, the loving memory of my dad will stay with me till the end of my time.
I always opt to believe that, as Mary said, the next world is a wider and better one. When dealing with an emotion extends beyond this world, we can always find much comfort from religion. Cherish the love and memory you had together, courageously go on with life and raise your child to the best of your ability. I hope you will some day meet another mate of yours who will give you similar love and care as your late husband.
The following is some information I gathered from a few books I read about “life after death”, hopefully these can help you ease your pain a little.
*- We are all sent here from the hereafter to experience first hand all the human life experiences.*- Our lives here, long or short, have all be pre-determined according to the amount of human experiences we need to learn.*- When our journey in this world is completed, we graduate to the next dimension, (or next level of awareness, or next level of being)*- At the end, we will all end up where we came from, in another better, lucent world, that is.*- Once crossed over, our beloved can still sees us though the frequency of their thought and consciousness (or brainwave) are too advanced for us human to interact with. So they can still see us and hear us but they can’t make us see them or hear them anymore.*- We are encouraged to express our feelings and love toward them, we can talk to them silently in our hearts, we can pray, or speak out aloud, they CAN hear us though we can’t hear what they want to say to us.*- Despite how painful it may become, we have to continue our course in this life, and continue to learn from our human experience until the day we graduate and return to the hereafter.*- We ought to commit to good causes and learn to love, to forgive, to sacrifice, to contribute. This is the only way to fulfill our responsibility here on earth while gaining first hand experience about life in this world.*- All the good deeds we do in this world will add marks to the report card when we eventually graduate from this world and return to the next dimension.*- All the pain we have to endure in this life is exactly what it meant to be, all pre-arranged, pre-determined. This is part of the learning experience and we should not attempt to avoid or escape from it.
Summer Breeze, I wish to share my belief with you, that everything happens for a reason, and everything is exactly where and what it meant to be. We should develop a mental state to change what we can and accept what we can’t. Do not over-emphasize the painful side of life and at the same time, do not lightly neglect all the happy moments in life. Let your lost love remain close to your heart, hold dear all the joyful moments in your life and bravely but optimistically embrace all the days to come.
Have faith that one day, you will reunite with your loved ones again, in another dimension, and that will be the happiest moment in your entire learning journey. Rest assure that pain and suffering only exists during this journey, at the end, there is only love and joy.
Live long and prosper.Neil