DL/T 5100-1999水工混凝土外加剂技术规程(英文版)

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,科普,
品牌: 中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会
·页码:23 页
内容简介《DL/T 5100-1999水工混凝土外加剂技术规程(英文版)》内容简介:This Standard is a revision of SD 108-83 Technical standard for hydraulic concrete admixture according to Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards (Document 40, 1996) issued by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry.
编辑推荐《DL/T 5100-1999水工混凝土外加剂技术规程(英文版)》是由中国电力出版社出版的。
1. Scope
2. Normative References
3. Terms and Definitions
4. Quality Requirements
4.1 Performance of Concrete with Admixtures
4.2 Uniformity Requirements of Admixture Products
5. Quality Inspections
5.1 Technical Conditions of Concrete
5.2 Performance of Concrete
5.3 Inspection of Admixtures Uniformity
6. Application Requirements
6.1 Selection of Admixtures
6.2 Dosage of Admixtures
6.3 Inspection of Admixtures
6.4 Rejection of Admixtures
序言This Standard is a revision of SD 108-83 Technical standard for hydraulic concrete admixture according to Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of Professional Standards (Document 40, 1996) issued by the former Ministry of Electric Power Industry.
SD 108——83 is the first professional standard for admixtures in China. It represents the result of 3 years' efforts by 9 representative organizations in the former Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power, including universities, research institutes and construction bureaus, which had made information collection, investigation and centralized demonstration testing. The draft standard had been peer reviewed by China experts before this Standard was issued. The publication of the first version of this Standard promoted the application and improvement of new technologies for admixtures and provided guides for use of admixtures in water resources and hydropower projects. However, with the rapid development of hydraulic concrete technologies, new admixtures have been born, and the national standards concerning admixture have been issued. Therefore considerable standards with experience can be referred to. Taking into account the comments from parties concerned, this Standard was revised.
This Standard is under jurisdiction and explanation of the Technical Committee of Standardization for Hydropower Construction of Electric Power Industry.
The chief drafting organization: Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute.

5.1 Technical Conditions of Concrete
5.1.1 Concrete with common admixtures Raw materials of concrete
1)Cement: reference cement shall be used, if it is not available, 525#ordinary Portland cement may be used. Its C3A content in clinker shall he within 5 %-8 %. 2H2O gypsum shall be used as set controlling agent (If hard gypsum is used, its dosage shall not exceed 1/2 of the total amount of set controlling agent).
2)Aggregates: hard, clean and well graded aggregates which can meet the requirements of SDJ 207——82 shall he used. Coarse aggregate shall be of gravel or crushed stone with particle size of 5mm-20tom-(circular hole sieve), in which the mass percentage of aggregate with particle size of 5mm- 10mm is 45 %, the mass percentage of aggregate with particle size of 10mm-20mm is 55%, and the fineness modulus of fine aggregate (sand) is 2.6-2.9.
3)Mixing water: drinking water.
4)Admixtures: admixtures to be tested. Reference concrete