分類: 图书,管理,管理学,
品牌: 张春阳
·页码:225 页
Chapter 1 Role of Communication in Business Organizations
1.1 Warm-up Exercise
1.2 Key Concepts
1.2. 1 What Is Managerial Communication
1.2.2 Overview of Theories in Managerial Communication
1.2.3 Types of Communication
1.3 Chapter Review
1.4 Application: The Crisis of an Insurance Company
Chapter 2 The Managerial Communication Process
2.1 Warm-up Exercise
2.2 Key Concepts
2. 2. 1 Levels of Managerial Communication
2. 2. 2 Basic Elements of Communication
2. 2. 3 Basic Communication Principles
2. 2. 4 Managerial Communication and Organizational Socialization
2. 2. 5 Barriers to Effective Communication
2. 2. 6 Strategies for Effective Communication
2.3 Chapter Review
2.4 Application: The Dilemma of a Female Colleague
Chapter 3 Intra-organizational Communication
3.1 Warm-up Exercise
3.2 Key Concepts
3.2. 1 Definition of Intra-organizational Communication
3.2.2 Communication Flows and Networks in an Organization
3.2. 3 Barriers to Effective Internal Communication
3.2.4 Improving Internal Communication
3.3 Chapter Review
3.4 Application: I. A Division Manager's Issues
II. Christrnas Orders
Chapter 4 Inter-organizational Communication
4.1 Warm-up Exercise
4.2 Key Concepts
4. 2. 1 Organizational Environment and Inter-organizational Communication
4.2.2 Maintaining Good Inter-organizational Relationships
4. 2. 3 Boosting Organizational Image
4.2.4 Providing Customer Services
4.3 Chapter Review
4.4 Application : Singan Supermarket
Chapter 5 Interpersonal Communication
5.1 Warm-up Exercise
5.2 Key Concepts
5.2. 1 Definition of Interpersonal Communication
5.2.2 Issues in Interpersonal Communication
5.2. 3 Communication and Conflict
5.2.4 Strategies for Building Harmonious Workplace Relationships
5.3 Chapter Review
5.4 Application : Yuri's Dilemma
Chapter 6 Intercultural Communication
6.1 Warm-up Exercise
6.2 Key Concepts
6. 2. 1 Intercultural and the Myths of Intercultural Communication
6. 2.2 What Is Culture
6. 2.3 Cultural Differences
6.2.4 Characteristics of an Effective Intercultural Communicator
6.3 Chapter Review
6. 4 Application: Expatriate Training Challenge
Chapter 7 Managerial Listening
7.1 Warm-up Exercise
7.2 Key Concepts
7.2. 1 Benefits of Listening
7.2. 2 Barriers to Listening
7.2. 3 Techniques for Effective Listening
7.3 Chapter Review
7.4 Application : Listening-SkiU Training Exercise
Chapter 8 Memos
8.1 Warm-up Exercise
8.2 Key Concepts
8.2. 1 Memos vs Letters
8.2.2 What IsaGood Memo
8.2.3 Writing Process
8.2.4 AMemoModel
8.3 Chapter Review
8.4 Application: Memo Writing Exercises
Chapter 9 Reports
9.1 Warm-up Exercise
9.2 Key Concepts
9. 2. 1 Types of Reports
9. 2. 2 Rules for Writing a Report
9.2.3 Elements of Memo Reports
9.2.4 Elements of Formal Reports
9.3 Chapter Review
9.4 Application : Report Writing Exercises
Chapter 10 Oral Presentations
10.1 Warm-up Exercise
10.2 Key Concepts
10. 2. 1 Presentation Problems
10. 2. 2 Preparing a Presentation
10. 2.3 Delivering Presentations
10.3 Chapter Review
10.4 Application : Haier Group
Chapter 11 Conducting Interviews
11.1 Warm-up Exercise
11.2 Key Concepts
11. 2. 1 What Is Interviewing
11.2. 2 Barriers in the Interview Process
11.2.3 Effective Interviewing on the Part of Interviewer
11.2. 4 Effective Interviewing on the Part of Interviewee
11.3 Chapter Review
11.4 Application : Tom Smith and His Interview
近年来,一种和理论研究、实验研究并列的所谓“计算实验(Computational Experiment)”方法开始出现,作为一种基本研究方法,不仅可用于验证、测试、参数和条件的选择,而且在探索、发现新的现象和新的规律方面有着独特的作用。相信它在经济管理各方面,特别是探索一些复杂而不确定的现象和问题时,会逐渐发挥极其重要的作用。
Managerial communication involves the strategies and processes managers use to conveythoughts and ideas germane to helping organizations pursue their missions. Managers rely oncommunication to share thoughts, ideas, feelings, needs, concerns, dreams, visions, etc.Strong communication skills have enabled managers to effectively lead meetings; writememos, letters, and emails ; give presentations ; conduct job interviews ; manage projects ;answer telephones; serve customers; listen to and support colleagues; assess and resolveworkplace conflict; and so on. A large part of a manager's success can be attributed toeffective communication. So it's imperative that employees develop their managerialcommunication skills if they hope to be successful in the workplace.
Communication is strategic.Influenced by personalities, culture, and training, thecommunication managers utilize can take many forms. Managers have to determine whichstyle or type of communication is most appropriate for the context. Therefore managers needto determine how their messages can be related to a second party, the receiver, with theirintended meanings. Often managers strive to achieve a level of shared understanding withothers or at least an overlap in interpretation of a message.
The goal is for information to be shared with and understood by a receiver in a reciprocalprocess. Communicators use verbal and nonverbal language to enact their roles in thisprocess, which will be outlined in detail later. The process of communication may soundsimple, but communication can be complicated by various barriers that can impede it. Forexample, receivers sometimes misconstrue, or misunderstand messages or senders assumesimilarities in meaning when in fact they do not exist. Communication is further complicatedwhen communicators intentionally and strategically use ambiguous language because theyknow if they utilized direct and clear language they